Batman - The Animated Series Quotes

Scarface: I thawt I thaw a putty tat!

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series
Alfred: We are speaking of the same person, are we not? Harvey Bullock? The detective who looks like an unmade bed?

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series
Montoya: Bullock? You okay? You don't look so good. I mean, you never look good, but today you look worse.

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series
Red Claw: Londoners, your ancient city may pride itself on having survived plagues, fires, even the Blitz, but unless five billion pounds are delivered to me by midnight tonight, there will be nothing left to survive. We have Blairquan Castle and its missile installation, and the codes to operate the missiles. You have one hour. Otherwise, I'll be forced to plant this warhead in the middle of Trafalgar Square, and if I do that, well... (Chuckles) God save the Queen.

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series
[Alfred breaks a chair over a thug's head.]
Robin: And here all I thought you dusted was furniture.
Alfred: A Louis Quinze; what a pity.

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series
TOM1: Batman will return in a moment.
TOM1: Batman now continues.
TOM1: That's It for Batman, the Powerpuff Girls are next.
TOM2: Batman will return in a moment.
TOM2: Batman now continues.
SARA1: Batman will return in a moment.
SARA1: Batman now continues.
TOM2: That's It for Batman, Superman is next.
TOM2: That's It for Batman, Outlaw Star is next.

TV Show: Batman - The Animated Series