Armstrong Quotes

Rod Armstrong: Where's Susan?
Lt. Yuri: [Speaks Russian]
Rod Armstrong: Speak English!
Lt. Yuri: No speak English good.
Rod Armstrong: Then speak English bad! Where's the girl?
Lt. Yuri: Girl? No understand.
Rod Armstrong: [Speaks Russian]
Lt. Yuri: They kill me if I talk!
Rod Armstrong: I kill you if you don't!

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Whoever invents the most system disruptive idea wins.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Punk rock art world forever...

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Once you become a part of the system, you are no longer an authentic voice of freedom, or truth.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Once in the system, you are only the echo, of someone else's voice, lost in the wind, of art.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: ABS: Art becomes, Salvation.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Armstrong is the new documentary experience; as experts talking, about art is the most boring thing, I have ever experienced.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Armstrong is a documentary without art experts or friends of the artist, trying to recreate art history, instead Armstrong creates art history on camera.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Greatness for the artist or any human must be nurtured alone, and discovered within, as all other forces do not contain the positivity of self belief, and disregard for all the critics in life, who create nothing.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Your life is Magnificent. Never forget, this is your path and you will make better decisions because of what you experience. It is the same for everyone. We all have pain... until we decide to stop having pain or believing in it. If we feel we have been victimized, we stay victims, sometimes for our entire life's. Love the people who hurt you, then let them go. They no longer exist. You exist. And nothing will ever hurt you again.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Happiness is a Decision.

Movie: Armstrong
Cosmic Jack Armstrong: Damian Hirst is a dead shark caterer, not an artist.

Movie: Armstrong