All That Quotes

Joe Gideon: [looking at Audrey while heading to surgery] If I die, I'm sorry for all the bad things I did to you.
Joe Gideon: [turns to Kate] And if I live, I'm sorry for all the bad things I'm gonna do to you.

TV Show: All That
Joe Gideon: No, nothing I ever do is good enough. Not beautiful enough, it's not funny enough, it's not deep enough, it's not anything enough. Now, when I see a rose, that's perfect. I mean, that's perfect. I want to look up to God and say, "How the hell did you do that? And why the hell can't I do that?"
Angelique: Now that's probably one of your better con lines.
Joe Gideon: Yeah, it is. But that doesn't mean I don't mean it.

TV Show: All That
Taylor Vaughan: Careful of what? OK, I could win this thing in flourescent lighting, on the first day of my period, cloaked in tacky rags. Ok? My mother was prom queen in '71, my cousin - prom queen in '82, and my sister would have been prom queen in '94 if it wasn't for that scam on the Conway Bed tour bus, okay? I am a goddamn legacy, all right? And besides, not to be a *****, but who's gonna beat Taylor Vaughan?
Katie: God, I hope that's not your acceptance speech.

TV Show: All That
Zach Siler: Give her the right look, the right boyfriend, and bam. In six weeks she's being named prom queen.

TV Show: All That
Zach Siler: This is all fascinating, Taylor, but could you skip to the part where you decided to screw me over.

TV Show: All That