To the Wonder Quotes

Father Quintana: We wish to live inside the safety of the laws. We fear to choose. Jesus insists on choice. The one thing he condemns utterly is avoiding the choice. To choose is to commit yourself. And to commit yourself is to run the risk, is to run the risk of failure, the risk of sin, the risk of betrayal. But Jesus can deal with all of those. Forgiveness he never denies us. The man who makes a mistake can repent. But the man who hesitates, who does nothing, who buries his talent in the earth, with him he can do nothing.

Movie: To the Wonder
Anna: Life's a dream. In dream you can't make mistakes. In dream you can be whatever you want.

Movie: To the Wonder
Marina: Love that loves us... thank you.

Movie: To the Wonder
Marina: I write on water what I dare not say.

Movie: To the Wonder
Marina: Newborn. I open my eyes. I melt. Into the eternal night. A spark. You got me out of the darkness. You gathered me up from earth. You've brought me back to life.

Movie: To the Wonder
Father Quintana: You shall love, whether you like it or not.

Movie: To the Wonder
Father Quintana: There is love that is like a stream that can go dry when rain no longer feeds it. But there is a love that is like a spring coming up from the earth. The first is human love, the second is divine love and has its source above.

Movie: To the Wonder
Neil: What are you laughing at?
Jane: You.
Neil: Me?
Jane: You make me laugh. You make me happy.

Movie: To the Wonder
Father Quintana: Flood our souls with your spirit and life so completely that our lives may only be a reflection of yours. Shine through us.

Movie: To the Wonder
Jane: Will you pray with me?
Neil: [voice over]I had no faith. You knew. Were you afraid?

Movie: To the Wonder
Father Quintana: You have to struggle with yourself. You have to struggle with your own strength.

Movie: To the Wonder
Father Quintana: [voice over]Where are you leading me? Teach us where to seek you. Christ, be with me. Christ before me. Christ behind me. Christ in me. Christ above me. Christ on my right. Christ on my left. Christ in the heart. Flood our souls with your spirit and life... so completely... that our lives may only be a reflection of yours. Shine through us. Show us how to seek you. We were made to seek you.

Movie: To the Wonder
Neil: My sweet love. At last. My hope. How I loved you...

Movie: To the Wonder