The Wraith Quotes

Billy Hankins: Look, you mind if I lay my towel here? I ain't welcome over there.
Jake: Why not?
Billy Hankins: Why ain't I welcome or it's ok to lay here?
Jake: Take a pick!

Movie: The Wraith
Keri Johnson: You really think I'd go to California with you? I'd rather go to Nogales, have the Gutterboy's cretin children and die than be with you!
Packard Walsh: You better shut up now, Keri, or I just might have to...
Keri Johnson: Yeah, Packard, you can kill me too. Because you can never make me love you!

Movie: The Wraith
Rughead: This gang thing was okay when we had the edge. But now there's that wraith out there that killed Oggie...
Skank: That what out there, man?
Rughead: A wraith, man! A ghost! An evil spirit and it ain't cool!

Movie: The Wraith
Skank: I'm gonna knock his ass lower than whale shit!

Movie: The Wraith
[after drinking a bottle of brake fluid]
Skank: Aaagh! I'm tweakin', dude!

Movie: The Wraith