The Trouble with Barry Quotes

Brinke: I thought I'd hit rock bottom when I married Corey Feldman for 75 bucks and tickets to a Stryper concert, but this is truly vile!

Movie: The Trouble with Barry
Pussy Johnson: I'm a star, baby! I live, I love, and I grab every part I get by the balls and swing it around like a cheap handbag!

Movie: The Trouble with Barry
Pussy Johnson: Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late, I had to put one of my cats to sleep.
Blake Harper: Oh, I'm so sorry!
Pussy Johnson: It's fine! It's just something I do before I start a new project.
Blake Harper: Pussy, I can't tell you what a thrill it is to finally meet you! I've pleasured myself so many times to your sex scenes with Maxwell Caulfield in Fundamental Compulsion, I feel like we already know each other!

Movie: The Trouble with Barry