The Tragedy of Flight 103 - The Inside Story Quotes

[final conversation between flight 103 and air traffic control]
Capt. Jim McQuarrie: Good evening, Scottish.
ATC Alan Topp: Uh, this is Scottish. Ident, please.
Capt. Jim McQuarrie: This is Clipper 103, requesting oceanic clearance.
ATC Alan Topp: Clipper 103, good evening. Uh, for identification, squawk 0357 with ident please. [pause, flight 103 appears on the radar screen]
ATC Alan Topp: Clipper 103, route direct, 59 North 10 West to Kennedy. Maintain flight level 310. [flight 103 disappears from the screen]
ATC Alan Topp: Clipper 103? Clipper 103? [pause]
ATC Alan Topp: I've got multiple returns. It's showing five returns! They're fanning out downwind. Clipper 103, this is Scottish? Come in! Clipper 103? I've lost the Clipper!
Watch Controller Ford: Shuttle reports an explosion on the ground.
ATC Alan Topp: You're kidding! That must be the Clipper.

TV Show: The Tragedy of Flight 103 - The Inside Story