The Place of the Dead Quotes

LCpl. Kevin Cheung: Sir, we should not enter this place. We should not disturb the spirits.
LCpl. Robert Neill: Really, Kevin, this is all so much mumbo jumbo. Once we catch up the others, we'll be fine. They're waiting for us at the bottom now.
LCpl. Kevin Cheung: We are afraid of this place. We should not go in there.
LCpl. Robert Neill: The purpose of this expedition, Kevin, is to confront our fears and overcome them.

TV Show: The Place of the Dead
Park Ranger: How many days rations will you be taking with you?
LCpl. Robert Neill: Ten.
Park Ranger: Ten? This is perhaps not enough.
LCpl. Robert Neill: Thank you. I know what to expect.
Park Ranger: Have an expression in our country. Do not teach ducks to swim. I wish the British Army good luck.

TV Show: The Place of the Dead