The Newsroom Quotes

George Findlay: [Jim is pitching a story idea about doing a segment on pets] . We'll talk about that when you come back from assignment.
Jim Walcott: Assignment? Where?
George Findlay: The brass has decided to send you to Kabul.
Jim Walcott: Oh... the Caribbean.

Movie: The Newsroom
Jim Walcott: [Jim Walcott is co-hosting an American morning talk show. He's winding down a cooking segment, and has just tasted a recipe for Louisiana baked ribs. He obssessively brings up the troops fighting the war in Iraq throughout the course of the talk show] Mmmm! Louisiana ribs. Fantastic! I sure our fighting me in the Middle East would give their right arm for ribs like these. Gives me an idea. We should give this recipe to our guys overseas, slaughter a goat, add some of this marinade, cook it up, and maybe the terrorists will smell it, and realize what they're missing in trying to destroy the greatest country on the face of this planet.

Movie: The Newsroom
Lindsay Ward: News is presenting a story in such a way that a housewife, in her kitchen peeling potatoes for dinner will suddenly stop and listen and think, 'Oh my God! 300 people were burned alive in that Bangkok fire. Thank God I wasn't one of them!'

Movie: The Newsroom
Matt: You mean 'Lolita' as in 'Lolita'?
George Findlay: I'm saying... the tongue touches the back of the teeth three times... Lo-Li-ta.

Movie: The Newsroom