The In-Laws Quotes

Jerry Peyser: That was fun.
Steve Tobias: Yeah blackmail! Ha ha.

Movie: The In-Laws
Melissa Peyser: You guys, my dad wouldn't buy a Russian submarine... I mean, he wouldn't even buy a foreign car!

Movie: The In-Laws
Sheldon: I have flames on my car. I HAVE FLAMES ON MY CAR!

Movie: The In-Laws
Sheldon: I've only had four women in my life. Two of them, my wife!

Movie: The In-Laws
Tommy: Dad and his mysterious phone calls.
Vince Ricardo: What the hell do you mean by that?
Tommy: Nothing. You're just always making these weird calls in back rooms and pay booths...
Vince Ricardo: You little snot-nose! Those phone calls put you through college!

Movie: The In-Laws
Vince Ricardo: You know, I'm such a great driver, it's incomprehensible that they took my license away.

Movie: The In-Laws