The Hit Quotes

Hitch: Any guy can sweep any girl off her feet, he just needs the right broom.

Movie: The Hit
Hitch: When your wondering what to say, or how you look... just remember... she is already out with you. That means, she said yes, when she could've said no. That means she made a plan... when she could've just blown you off. So that means it is no longer you job to make her like you... Itâ??s is your job NOT TO MESS IT UP.

Movie: The Hit
Myron: I think you're crazy, but I admire your attitude.

Movie: The Hit
Sam: Hey Sam, I mean Max.

Movie: The Hit
Sara: So, you kinda like me, huh?
Hitch: No. I love you.

Movie: The Hit
[after confronting, subduing, and pummeling the mad scientist]
Max: He's not a real guy, Sam! Can I keep his head for a souvenir? Why do you suppose its ticking?
Sam: That's no head, Max! It's one damned ugly timebomb! Let's leave this criminal cesspool pronto!
Max: Good idea, Sam. Maybe we can ditch the head somewhere while the credits are running. Mind if I drive?
Sam: Not if you don't mind me clawing at the dash and shrieking like a cheerleader.
Max: Sam, is pronto a real word?

Movie: The Hit