The Dust Factory Quotes

Ryan Flynn: Have you been to the factory?
Grandpa Randolph: Sure. Joined the crowd once. Didn't jump of course.
Ryan Flynn: Yeah, I'm definitely not big on jumping. And I don't like that dust.
Grandpa Randolph: Can't blame you.
Ryan Flynn: Falling all that way? How do you know if you're ready?
Grandpa Randolph: I'm certainly no expert. I suppose it's different for everyone. Some folks probably dawdle around here quite a while trying to figure that out. Melanie for instance, she seems a bit of a dawdler.
Ryan Flynn: I don't mind dawdling if it means not having to jump. Hitting that floor looked awful painful.
Grandpa Randolph: Oh, you're afraid of a little pain? That's an overrated phobia.
Ryan Flynn: So what's it like? You know, dying?
Grandpa Randolph: [shrugs] I don't know.
Ryan Flynn: Well, you must. You're practically dead.
Grandpa Randolph: [sarcastically] Oh. Thank you. Thank you very very much.
Ryan Flynn: Well, it's gotta hurt.
Grandpa Randolph: Hurt? Life hurts, boy.

Movie: The Dust Factory
Melanie Lewis: I wish I had the courage to climb a mountain. All I have is this stupid lake! It's not winter, it's not winter, it's not winter! It's summer!

Movie: The Dust Factory
Grandpa Randolph: Live your life, Ryan Flynn

Movie: The Dust Factory
Melanie Lewis: [to Ryan] Do you dance?
Grandpa Randolph: Of course he does.
Melanie Lewis: You know, tangos and waltzes?
Ryan Flynn: Of course not. I'm a guy?
Melanie Lewis: Oh, lame-o excuse!
Grandpa Randolph: [starts singing and dancing with Melanie] Dancing is the most exhilarating, glorificating, fantazilating. Just let your toes go tapping heels kerplanking. It's the essence of life. And if you think you are too fancy, too grandiancy, just let your feet explore the floor. They'll know the layout, forget yourself and play out. 'Cause there is no substitute. And now for the romp-stompinest, skip-alonginest kind of fun around. Heck, it's the essence of... Heck, it's the essence of...
Melanie Lewis: Life!
Grandpa Randolph: Life.
Melanie Lewis: What do you say Ryan?
Ryan Flynn: I guess.
Melanie Lewis: [exhilarated] WHOO!

Movie: The Dust Factory
Ryan Flynn: [while dancing in the woods with Melanie] I don't want this to ever end!
Grandpa Randolph: Again with that word "end". It's a myth.
Melanie Lewis: That's a lie!
Grandpa Randolph: Don't be selfish, Melanie.
Melanie Lewis: When you make the leap at the big top, time in the dust factory ends.
Grandpa Randolph: Melanie.
Melanie Lewis: Let Ryan decide!

Movie: The Dust Factory
Trapeze Catcher: Special catch, he was. He would've caught me if I'd done nothing but offer two stumps for hands. What a man. [whispers]
Trapeze Catcher: What a man.

Movie: The Dust Factory