Stardust Quotes

Sally Potter: Are you a Stray Cat?
Mike: No, I'm a roadie.
Sally Potter: Roadie sounds like some sort of vagrant. What is that exactly?
Mike: It's like an army batman, only without the uniform. I make sure there's enough beer, chips and rubbers to go round. I supply the birds, the pills and the pot. And anything else that might be required to satisfy their lust...carnal, or otherwise.

Movie: Stardust
Sandy Bates: It's crazy. The town is jammed. I don't know, is the Pope in town, or some other show business figure?

Movie: Stardust
Tristan: I find the fastest way to travel is by candlelight. [showing the candle]
Yvaine: You've got a Babylon candle.
Tristan: Yeah, I have a bubbling candle.
Yvaine: A *Babylon* candle.
Tristan: That's what I said.
Yvaine: You said "bubbling".

Movie: Stardust
Yvaine: Hmm... Mudered by pirates, heart ripped out and eaten, or meet Victoria... Don't know which sounds more fun...

Movie: Stardust
Young Girl: I understand you studied philosophy at school.
Sandy Bates: Uh, no, that's not true. I-I-I did take - I took one course in existential philosophy at, uh, at New York University, and on, uh, on the final... they gave me ten questions, and, uh, I couldn't answer a single one of 'em. You know? I left 'em all blank... I got a hundred.

Movie: Stardust