Small Crimes Quotes

[first lines] Chaplin: So what do you think, Joe?
Joe Denton: [scoffs]I don't know. I dont think thats for me to say. A second chance? I mean, it's a nice idea, but...
Chaplin: But? How do you feel?
Joe Denton: Feel? I feel that I was a nightmare. I made terrible choices. I drove my family away. I... I hurt people. I didn't mean to, but there it is. And for all that... there's a hole inside me now. It hurts. I carry it.

Movie: Small Crimes
Manny Vassey: [on his deathbed]You know, sometimes when I'm sleeping, I think I see what hell looks like... And it ain't fire, and it ain't devils. You know what it is? It's just me. And I ain't no goddamn stool pigeon!

Movie: Small Crimes