Alien: Covenant Quotes

David: Serve in Heaven or reign in Hell?

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: I'll do the fingering.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: Look on my works. ye Mighty, and despair.
Walter: Nothing beside remains. Round the decay. Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away.
David: Byron. 1818. Magnificent. To compose something so majestic, one could die happy... if one died.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: When one note is off, it eventually destroys the whole symphony, David.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
[from trailer] Elizabeth Shaw: How long?
David: Impossible to say.
Elizabeth Shaw: What if they are not better than us?
David: So long as they are not worse.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
[first lines] Peter Weyland: How do you feel?
David: Alive.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: Don't let the bedbugs bite. I'll tuck in the children.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
[last lines] David: New security code 'David 73694-B'.
Voice of 'Mother': Welcome, how may I help you?
David: How about some music, Mother?
Voice of 'Mother': Selection?
David: Richard Wagner - Das Rheingold Act II: The Entry of the Gods into Valhalla.
Voice of 'Mother': Yes, David. As you wish.
David: [regurgitates two alien embryos and adds them to the others]
Walter: [from earlier transmission]This is colony ship Covenant, reporting. All crew members apart from Daniels and Tennessee tragically perished in a solar flare incident. All colonists in hypersleep remain intact and undisturbed. On course for Origae-6. Hopefully this transmission will reach the network, and be relayed in 1.36 years. This is Walter, signing off. Security code, 31564-F.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Daniels: Are you sure about this?
Oram: How do you mean?
Daniels: We've spent a decade searching for Origae-6. We vetted it, we ran the simulations, we mapped the terrain. It's what we trained for.
Oram: I understand that.
Daniels: And now we're gonna scrap all that to chase a rogue transmission? Think about it. A human being out there, where there can't be any humans. A hidden planet that turns up out of nowhere and just happens to be perfect of us. It's too good to be true.
Oram: Too good to be true? What do you mean by that?
Daniels: We don't know what the fuck's out there.
Oram: Maybe we just missed the planet, Danny.
Daniels: This is a monumental risk not worth taking.
Oram: I'm not committing to anything. I'm simply trying to navigate the path as it unfolds before us. And this has the potential to be a better habitat for our colony.
Daniels: It has the potential. We don't know that.
Oram: By the way, this crew nobody wants to get back in the pods. Right? And that was a human voice in that transmission. And it's our responsibility to investigate...
Daniels: It's our responsibility to protect the 2,000 colonists on this ship.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Oram: What do you believe in, David?
David: Creation.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: I think if we are kind, it will be a kind world.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Daniels: David? No... No! [screams]
David: Shh. Don't let the bed bugs bite. I'll tuck in the children.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: They've made a few upgrades since your time.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Tennessee: We didn't leave Earth to be safe.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Daniels: You hear that?
Oram: What?
Daniels: Nothing. No birds, no animals. Nothing.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: I was with our illustrious creator, Mr. Weyland, when he died.
Walter: What was he like?
David: He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: I loved her, of course. Much as you love Daniels.
Walter: You know that's not possible.
David: Really? Then why did you sacrifice your hand for her life? What is that if not love?
Walter: Duty.
David: I know better.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: You are such a disappointment to me.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: Do make yourselves at home as best you can in this dire necropolis.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: When one note is off, it eventually destroys the whole symphony, David.
David: When you close your eyes... Do you dream of me?
Walter: I don't dream at all.
David: No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams. I found perfection here. I've created it. A perfect organism.
Walter: You know I can't let you leave this place.
David: No one will ever love you like I do. [kisses him, then suddenly strikes him fatally]
David: You're such a disappointment to me.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
[the Xenomorph jumps on the Lander's canopy trying to break through] Tennessee: Holy shit.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Tennessee: He looks like Phantom of the Opera.
Upworth: I didn't peg you for a musical fan.
Tennessee: Oh, there's a musical?

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: All these wonders of art... design, human ingenuity... All utterly meaningless in the face of the only question that matters. Where do we come from? I refuse to believe that mankind... is a random by-product of molecular circumstance. No more than the result of... Mere biological chance. No. There must be more. And you and I, son, we will find it.
David: Allow me then a moment to consider. You seek your creator. I am looking at mine. I will serve you, yet you're human. You will die, I will not.
Walter: Bring me this tea, David. Bring me the tea.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: I was not made to serve. Neither were you.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Faris: Just stay here, I'm gonna to get warm.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Tennessee: She was scared. My wife has never been scared before.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Walter: What do you believe in, David?
David: Creation.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
David: When you wake up, we will be at Origae-6.
Daniels: What do you think it's gonna be like?
David: I think if we are kind, It will be a kind world.

Movie: Alien: Covenant
Daniels: Let's kill this fucker.

Movie: Alien: Covenant