Serendipity Quotes

[Jon referring to Halley hitting the Smoke Detector with some blunt object]
Jonathan: Don't hit it with the thing!

Movie: Serendipity
Sara: Ok, favorite movie?
Jonathan: The correct answer is Cool Hand Luke.
Sara: I've never seen it?
Jonathan: Oh, come on! You've never seen Cool Hand Luke? Paul Newman? Oh my god! Come on! Failure to communicate, sadistic cop with sunglasses with no name, who reminds me of you in that way.

Movie: Serendipity
Eve: You know who plays golf? Guys who are too fat to play tennis, like this guy.

Movie: Serendipity
Eve: [commenting on Sara's craziness] They should make pills for this.

Movie: Serendipity
Jonathan: Forget about privacy laws. You know what privacy laws do?
Leasing Office Temp: No.
Jonathan: They protect millionaires. You know who those millionaires are?
Leasing Office Temp: Who?
Jonathan: Tell him who they are. Tell him.
Dean: Kids your age. Pimple-faced college drop outs who have made unhealthy sums of money forming internet companies that create no concrete products, provide no viable services, and still manage to generate profits for all of its lazy day-trading son-of-a bitch shareholders. Meanwhile, as a tortured member of the disenfranchised proletariat, you find some altruistic need to protect these digital plantation-owners?
Jonathan: [reacting to Dean's speech] Wow! [to Temp]
Jonathan: Come on.

Movie: Serendipity
Jonathan: Maybe the absence of signs is a sign.

Movie: Serendipity