Same Time, Next Year Quotes

Doris: [after nearly getting caught by the in-keeper] Oh, good, he didn't ask about the girdle.
George: What?
Doris: The girdle!
George: [looks down, notices her girdle poking out of his pocket] Oh, great! Now he probably thinks I'm a homo!

Movie: Same Time, Next Year
George: We'd been to a party and we had a few drinks. So we went to bed and we started making love. And nothing happened. I mean for me. I mean, I... I couldn't... well, you get the picture.
Doris: [nods]
George: I mean it was no big deal. I mean we laughed about it. And then about a half hour later, just as I was going to sleep, Helen turned to me and said, "It's funny. When I married a CPA, I always taught that it would be his eyes that would go first."

Movie: Same Time, Next Year
George: You know what the worst part of this is? While I'm thinking all of this... I have the most fantastic hard-on

Movie: Same Time, Next Year