Runaway Bride Quotes

[Maggie has just left her groom standing at the altar, and has jumped aboard a FedEx truck]
Ellie: Where is she going?
Fisher: I don't know, but she'll be there by 10: 30 tomorrow.

Movie: Runaway Bride
Coach Bob Kelly: What is she doing?
Peggy: Uh, she's being the bell instead of the ball.

Movie: Runaway Bride
Maggie Carpenter: I love you, Homer Eisenhower Graham. Will you marry me?
Ike Graham: I... I've got to think about this a little bit.
Maggie Carpenter: Good. I was hoping you'd say that.
Ike Graham: [laughing] You were not!
Maggie Carpenter: I was, because if you said "yes" right away, then I wouldn't get to say this next part, and I've been practicing. [Maggie sits down, clears her throat]
Maggie Carpenter: Ready?
Ike Graham: I'm listening.
Maggie Carpenter: I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is going to want get out. But I also guarantee... [starts to cry]
Maggie Carpenter: ...that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart... you're the only one for me.

Movie: Runaway Bride
Peggy: Well, there is one thing that brings warmth to my heart. [pause]
Peggy: Duckbill platypus.
Maggie Carpenter: No... that's only funny at Camp Birchwood in the tent at three in the morning and it's raining and my leg is the pole! That's the only time that's funny.
Peggy: Let's just give it a try.

Movie: Runaway Bride
[Ike's voice on his answering machine]
Ike Graham: Hi, leave a message after the beep. If you want to send me a fax, then buy me a fax machine.

Movie: Runaway Bride