Purgatory House Quotes

Gameshow Host: The question is: do I find it acceptable for fourteen year old kids to kill themselves, and throw away the lives I so generously gave them?

Movie: Purgatory House
Johnny: I just don't wanna see you end up like him. I mean, seriously, is he *ever* not on something?
Silver Strand: ...No...
Johnny: All he ever talks about is sex and whether or not he should put his weed plant in direct sunlight or if he should keep it shadded. i-i mean 'shaded', he actually said 'shadded'.
Silver Strand: Hahaha... Um... why do you hang out with him if all you ever do is bag on him?
Johnny: Honestly? Because you're always with him... silver, break up with him. I knew you before you two hooked up, and you've changed so much! Those dark circles around your eyes? You used to want to look like that, now you can't *help* it.
Silver Strand: What's that supposed to mean?
Johnny: You're *always* out of it.
Silver Strand: Are you gonna start telling me to take advantage of the school tutor program because I'm failing all of my goddamn classes?
Johnny: You're gonna wind up dead, pregnant, not passing school this year? Maybe you *should* take advantage of the school tutor program!
Silver Strand: Look, I just turned down HEROINE, alright? Do you think it's easy having my boyfriend pushing chronic laced with PCP at me inside of a love letter? If you really cared about me, you'd just let me do my thing and you wouldn't make me feel like I'm a weak, wasted, lost little girl.
Johnny: You *are* a weak, wasted, lost little girl.

Movie: Purgatory House
Silver Strand: We're all here because we did some stupid things. We expressed ourselves with drugs, alcohol, self-mutilation, sex and with suicide. And our lives, our minds, our selves are gone because of our bad decisions. We took the road less traveled. And we died. And we never will recover from that. [looks at Saint James]
Silver Strand: But that's part of the whole plan.

Movie: Purgatory House