Puni puni poemi (V) Quotes

Ball Person 1: My ball is round and pink, can't you see?
Ball Person 2: My ball is soft and really squishy.
Ball Person 3: My ball smells a little vinegry.
Narrator: That didn't mean nothin'.

Movie: Puni puni poemi (V)
K: But even there's a director, if the writer disappears, do not serve for nothing! [Appears a deadbody that indicates be the screenwriter for the mark in his jacket]
K: I killed Kurata, the screenwriter. Now this story...
Nabeshin: Idiot!, We can follow the story, although we don't have a writer!
K, Kurata: [Kurata, the writer murdered, rises suddenly] Say What?
Nabeshin: [Holding a Storyboard Script ] ¡Poemi! ¡Become Puni Puni poemi!
Poemi Watanabe: Okay! Using the same prerecorded images!

Movie: Puni puni poemi (V)