Pokémon - The First Movie Quotes

Ash Ketchum: The world's greatest Pokémon master is waiting for me. Let's use our Pokémon to get to that island.
Misty: Ash, our Pokémon aren't strong enough. They can't handle giant waves like this.
Ash Ketchum: [upset] Guess you're right...
Jesse: [Team Rocket arrive in a boat, dressed as Vikings] You vant to cross maybe? Ve take you, ya? Ve Vikings are used to big vaves. Ve get you to New lsland faster than you can say fahrvergnügen.
Jesse: [cuts to them rowing] Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Oh, I think I'm gonna have one!
Brock: I didn't know Vikings still existed.
Ash Ketchum: They mostly live in Minnesota.
Misty: Something's not right. Are you sure this boat's safe?
Jesse: Don't vorry. This ship von't let you down. Ve alvays sail in da rough veather. Don't get upset.
Meowth: Tell my stomach.
Jesse: Heave!
James: Ho!
Jesse: Heave!
James: Ho!
Jesse: Heave!
James: Ho!
Misty: lt's all right, Togepi. We're going to be okay. [a huge tidal wave crashes into the boat, taking Team Rocket's Viking costumes off in the process]
Ash Ketchum: Those aren't Vikings!
Misty: It's Team Rocket!
Brock: I should have known there was something fishy about them besides the way they smell!
Jesse: Haha! Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Meowth: Forget the motto. We'

Movie: Pokémon - The First Movie