Panther Quotes

Marie Jouvet: Ah, you've just passed the hotel.
Taxi Driver: Yes, ma'am.
Marie Jouvet: But that's where I wanted to go.
Taxi Driver: You see that car following us?
Marie Jouvet: Oh, what about it?
Taxi Driver: Well, the two men in that car suggested I drop you off at another address.
Marie Jouvet: What are you talking about?
Taxi Driver: Actually it was more like a threat than a suggestion.
Marie Jouvet: They threatened you?
Taxi Driver: Well, one of them showed me his brand new gun.
Marie Jouvet: But who are they?
Taxi Driver: Look, I know you'll think I'm not on the ball, but I neglected to get their names.
Marie Jouvet: You realise this is kidnapping?
Taxi Driver: Yeah. Well, I have to be honest with you. I couldn't come up with an alternative.
Marie Jouvet: You can go to prison for life for kidnapping.
Taxi Driver: Lady, the gun he showed me was a .38 Magnum.
Marie Jouvet: I don't know anything about guns.
Taxi Driver: Well, that gun makes enormous holes in things. I had a choice of kidnapping you, and getting shot with that gun. And to be perfectly frank, I would look terrible and feel worse with an enormous hole in me.

Movie: Panther
Marie Jouvet: Could you tell me something about your son?
Clouseau's Father: No. After four o'clock, I can't tell you anything about my son.
Marie Jouvet: Why not after four o'clock?
Clouseau's Father: Because, after tasting the wine all day, after four o'clock I can't remember my son - let alone tell you anything about him. It is a miracle that I remember it is after four o'clock.

Movie: Panther
Princess Dala: [tipsy from champagne] When I went on my first zsrafari... frazari... wild animal hunt.

Movie: Panther
Simone Clouseau: If I'm not being too nosy your highness, I read somewhere there was some dispute over the ownership of the Pink Panther.
Princess Dala: It belongs to me. It was a gift from my late father. I shall never surrender it.
Sir Charles Lytton: Why should you?
Princess Dala: When the present government seized power, they claimed the diamond was the property of the people. There's even some talk of the international court deciding the issue.
Sir Charles Lytton: I'll tell you what, why don't I steal the diamond, leave that old glove or whatever it is behind, and you and I can split the insurance.
Princess Dala: All right.
George Lytton: I feel like dancing. [to Princess Dala]
George Lytton: Your Highness?
Princess Dala: I'd love to.
Sir Charles Lytton: [to Simone] How about you, Madame?
Simone Clouseau: Yes, of course.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Your leg is better, Sir. Charles?
Sir Charles Lytton: What?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I say your leg is better.
Sir Charles Lytton: Oh, yes. Much better. Thank you.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You know, Mr. Tucker... [scolds his hand]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Argh! [put his burnt hand into Mr. Tucker's beer]
Tucker: That's my beer, old man.

Movie: Panther
[repeated line]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You are Yuri the trainer who trains.

Movie: Panther