Panic Room Quotes

Sarah: [observing the Panic Room, with cameras and a steel door] My room! definitely my room!

Movie: Panic Room
[after Meg set the propane gas on fire scene]
Meg: [to Sarah] Are you okay?
Sarah: [nods]
Meg: [scolding] Promise me you will never do *ANYTHING* like that.
Sarah: [nods] I won't.

Movie: Panic Room
Burnham: He's telling the truth.
Raoul: Yeah, he's telling the truth... you know how I know? Cause when I do this... [Raoul points the gun at Burnham]
Raoul: ...people don't lie.

Movie: Panic Room
Junior: She's coming down to you!
Burnham: Hey I told you, I don't hurt people.

Movie: Panic Room
Junior: How do we get in there?
Burnham: You can't.

Movie: Panic Room
Meg: Open the door so I can give her the shot.
Burnham: If we open the door you'll shoot us!
Meg: So give her the shot yourself!

Movie: Panic Room