No Way Out Quotes

David: [after the computer has finished regenerating the Polaroid negative] Hey, take a look at this. Somebody get Donavan down here! It's Commander Farrell.

Movie: No Way Out
Dr. Luther Brooks: There is a possiblity that I killed him. Isn't there?
Dr. Dan Wharton: Don't be a fool
Dr. Luther Brooks: That I was careless in the spinal tap. That his brother's Negro-bating got me down.
Dr. Dan Wharton: I don't want to ever here you say anything like that again... Your'e are a capable doctor. You were the doctor in charge. You did what you thought right and there's an end to it.

Movie: No Way Out
Scott Pritchard: I am tired of weakness! I am faced with a grave problem, and I intend to resolve it quickly and cleanly.

Movie: No Way Out
Susan Atwell: It's David Brice, Secretary of Defense. Satisfied?
Tom Farrell: You know I work for Brice?
Susan Atwell: I guess that makes two of us.

Movie: No Way Out