Miss Julie Quotes

John: It is dangerous to play with fire.
Julie: Not for me. I'm insured.

TV Show: Miss Julie
Miss Julie: I'd like to shoot you like a dog.

Movie: Miss Julie
Miss Julie: Have you ever been in love?
John: [rigorously polishing a boot]We don't use that word. But I have liked a lot of girls. And once when I could not have one girl I wanted, I became sick, horribly sick.Sick like a prince in a fairy tale, a prince who cannot eat or drink because of love.
Miss Julie: Who was it?
John: It was you.

Movie: Miss Julie
John: My people, we don't carry on like you do. We don't hate and destroy each other. We make love for fun. Yes, it is a game, and we play it when we get time off from work. But we don't have all day and all night like you people do!

Movie: Miss Julie
Miss Julie: Are you ever afraid to hear that you're no longer wanted? That you don't belong?
John: I shared a bed with my little brother, and one morning, when I was eight, I woke up and found him dead beside me. I saw death for the first time and yes, I was afraid. But not in the way you're talking about.

Movie: Miss Julie
Miss Julie: On the other side of that wall, I have a place. A secret garden. There is no wind there. I go there when I'm anxious. I'm anxious all the time. I'm always longing for some other place. You cannot imagine how different I want my life to be.

Movie: Miss Julie
John: You and me.
Miss Julie: Yes, we must leave.
John: To make life hell for each other?
Miss Julie: No. To be happy, smile on the inside. Enjoy ourselves a few years, as long as we can, and then... to die. Would you die with me?

Movie: Miss Julie
Kathleen: So you're going to elope?
John: Elope? That's a big word.

Movie: Miss Julie
[first lines] Little Miss Julie: [reading]She had received a most beautiful doll as a present. Oh, what a glorious doll, so fair and delicate. She did not seem created for the sorrows of this world.

Movie: Miss Julie
John: You know the way that I am. I'm always placing a veil over people, idealizing them. So I never see who they really are. I did that with her - Miss Julie - and was bound to be disappointed.
Kathleen: We are all forced to face ourselves as less than we'd hoped to be.

Movie: Miss Julie
[last lines] Miss Julie: [throwing flowers into the creek]I'm sending you out into the world. Look. You're like bright-colored stars. The water is your heaven. Do you know that, my flowers? Yes. Everything is so much bigger than the little pieces. Do you know that?

Movie: Miss Julie
John: All it shows is that they are not a bit better than we are.
Kathleen: If they're not any better than us, then there is nothing to inspire us to become better ourselves!

Movie: Miss Julie
Kathleen: God is no respecter of status, except the last shall be first.

Movie: Miss Julie