Man with a Gun Quotes

Clint Tollinger: Just how does he operate?
Marshal Lee Sims: Well, Dade's a fat man, but don't let that fool ya. Never lifts a pudgy finger himself. You take yesterday for example - just a typical day in Dade's life. He cut himself a piece out of a trail herd that was passing through, then he roughed up the new mine workers over Meadow Creek way, then he tried to grab young Jeff Castle's homesite and then, I bet ya, he divied up the gold dust they took off that poor dead miner over at the Palace. Nothin's too small or mean for Dade Holman. Nothin's too rich or fancy, either.

Movie: Man with a Gun
Francisco Scaramanga: [after Bond has broken out of Hai Fat's karate school] ... What do they teach at that academy? Ballet dancing?
Hai Fat: I find nothing amusing in Mr. Bond's escape. May I remind you that you work for me. I took you on to be an occasional consultant, nothing more. I did not pay you to interfere in my affairs. Is that understood? Now, return to the plant and don't leave there without my permission. [he doesn't see Scaramanga assembling the Golden Gun]
Hai Fat: ...I now regret having even considered employing your services, but that is beside the point. Bond doesn't know you; he's never seen you. But he knows me. That's the problem.
Francisco Scaramanga: That's no problem. [He shoots Fat dead, then disassembles the Golden Gun as one of Fat's aides comes to investigate]
Francisco Scaramanga: ...Mr. Fat has just resigned. I am the new Chairman of the Board. [goes outside]
Francisco Scaramanga: ...Fat always did like that mausoleum. Put him in it.

Movie: Man with a Gun
Nelly Bain: Hurry, Kitty!
Mable: Lucky Kitty.
Ann Wakefield: She's going to visit her family. I don't call that fun. My family reads me like a book.
Mable: What's the matter? Don't they like dime novels?

Movie: Man with a Gun
Saul Atkins: Tollinger?
Doc Hughes: Might call him a town doctor, too. Ponca was a mighty sick town. Clint operated on it. Patient lost a lot of blood - but lived.
Saul Atkins: Town-tamer!

Movie: Man with a Gun
Stella Atkins: But then you're not a marshal or a sheriff.
Jeff Castle: He's a town-tamer.
Clint Tollinger: The difference is there are no rules in my end of the business except maybe one - never stay in one town too long.

Movie: Man with a Gun