Ma Barkers Killer Brood Quotes

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Don't you go tryin to deny it. I told Al and the boys if you shot off your bourbon mouth at that bar and got us in dutch I was going to finish you. I was going to do something about it! Now finish your pie.
George Barker: Ma [nervous laughter]
George Barker: , you wouldn't do anything...foolish. Not to me...why after all, I'm your...I'm your husband!
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: I'm just about to divorce you, the quick way.

Movie: Ma Barkers Killer Brood
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Are you offering any cash?
Machine Gun Kelly: Of course we are. Lou figured we'd pay about-
Lou, Kelly's Girl: [interrupts] Not one red cent!
Machine Gun Kelly: But honey you said 50 grand.
Lou, Kelly's Girl: That was before we found Ma alone.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: I never heard of such a thing! Trying to steal another mob's kidnap, why, it ain't honest!
Machine Gun Kelly: You're in no spot to refuse Ma.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Do you want to gamble on that?
Machine Gun Kelly: Can you beat four of a kind?
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Depends on how big they are.
Lou, Kelly's Girl: I'd call them aces
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Oh honey, you've enver been known to be very bright. [laughs]
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: They look more like jokers to me!
Machine Gun Kelly: You're slippin Ma. A joker is still an ace.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Not in Texas poker! We strip out the joker and that's just what I'm going to do with your bad hand. [calls]
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Fred! [Steps out with a machine gun]
Lou, Kelly's Girl: That's a pretty low card Ma.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Well, maybe I'd better draw another. [calls]
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Karpis! [he steps out with another machine gun]
John Dillinger: [Kelly pulls out a handgun] You better draw your limit Ma, and fast. I'm los

Movie: Ma Barkers Killer Brood