Laura Quotes

Shelby Carpenter: For the last time, Louise, will you marry me?
Louise, Ann's Cook: No, but I cooked some chicken liver for you.

Movie: Laura
Waldo Lydecker: How singularly innocent I look this morning.

Movie: Laura
Waldo Lydecker: I'm not kind, I'm vicious. It's the secret of my charm.

Movie: Laura
[first lines]
Laura: [sighs and presses against her bedroom window] Ugh. Mom, Dad, where's the apple tree?
Mother: Oh, Laura, sweetheart. Has your spacecraft survived the move in one piece? And your flight? Come on, tell us a bit about it.
Laura: Mm. It was all a bit much, if you don't mind me saying. During our landing, we drifted slightly off course, as you all know. Then I opened my curtains and hard a good look around, and what did I see? My lovely apple tree's not there, nor my friends. The meadow has also disappeared and the birdhouse, my seesaw, my flowers and my absolutely favorite place in the hill, and...
Tommy: My Protect-Me-Dog!

Movie: Laura
[last lines]
Father: Come on guys, get ready!
Laura: What for? Is something wrong?
Father: Oh, we thought perhaps you'd like to go to the countryside this weekend, to see our old house once more.
Laura: [gasps in surprise and delight, but runs to window and looks outside] Oh!
Max: [waves] Hi! Laura!
Laura: Uh, but, Dad, can we choose another weekend to go out in the countryside?
Mother: Why's that, then?
Laura: We've only just got here, Mom. Our new home.
Tommy: Home. [giggles cheerfully]
Laura: [runs outside as ending theme "Touch the Sky" begins playing] Hey, Max!

Movie: Laura