Meet Me in St. Louis Quotes

'Tootie' Smith: Papa, we buried Margeretha today, and you missed all the fun.
Mr. Alonzo Smith: Oh, I wouldn't say that. I've had a pretty full day. Tootie, remind me to spank you right after dinner.
'Tootie' Smith: Yes, Papa.
Mr. Alonzo Smith: Lord, we thank thee for the bountiful blessing we are about to receive. Amen.
'Tootie' Smith: Agnes, if I forget to remind Papa, you remind me.
Agnes Smith: All right.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Esther Smith: Meeting him across the lawn for the first time would be so ordinary. I don't want to be just introduced to him. I want it to be something strange and romantic and something I'll always remember.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Grandpa: That doctor must be walking!
Rose Smith: Should I call Papa at his office?
Mrs. Anna Smith: Oh, heavens no, don't call your father! What could he do? There, there, Tootie, darling.
'Tootie' Smith: He tried to kill me...
Mrs. Anna Smith: Now tell Mommy what happened.
Esther Smith: It was the streetcar. I think it hit her.
Rose Smith: It must have knocked her onto the sidewalk, didn't it, Tootie?
'Tootie' Smith: No, it wasn't a streetcar. It was John Truett. He tried to kill me.
Mrs. Anna Smith: John Truett hit you?
'Tootie' Smith: He tried to kill me, and when I screamed, he ran away.
Esther Smith: Tootie Smith, that's a monstrous falsehood. John Truett would never hit a girl, least of all my sister.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Katie the Maid: Would it start a minor revolution in this household if dinner was served an hour early today?
Mrs. Anna Smith: Mr. Smith hates to eat early on a hot day.
Katie the Maid: Eating early on a hot day gives you more time to digest your food before retiring. Besides, I'm due at my sister's at seven o'clock on a family matter.
Mrs. Anna Smith: Is there something wrong with your sister?
Katie the Maid: She's having trouble with her husband. Him bein' a man.
Mrs. Anna Smith: Well, eating early is all right with me, but you'll have to explain it to Mr. Smith.
Katie the Maid: Oh, he won't mind, seein' as how tonight's corn beef night.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Rose Smith: Thank you for dropping me off, Colonel Darly.
Col. Darly: It's my pleasure, Miss Smith.
Rose Smith: I'm sure the ice cream would have melted if it weren't for your thoughtfulness.
Col. Darly: Glad to be of service. Good night.
Rose Smith: Wouldn't you like to come in? There's plenty of ice cream, and I'm sure my folks would love to meet you.
Col. Darly: Thank you, Miss Smith, but some other time.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Rose Smith, Esther Smith: [singing] Meet me in St. Louie, Louie, meet me at...
Mr. Alonzo Smith: For heaven's sake, stop that screeching!
Rose Smith: We're sorry, Papa.
Mr. Alonzo Smith: The fair won't open for seven months, and that's all anybody ever sings about or talks about. I wish they would all meet at the fair and leave me alone.

Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis