Buffalo Bill Quotes

Calamity: I told you everything would be alright, Bobby. He's my brother. He can do anything!
Buffalo Bill Jr.: Except hold rein on you, little sister.

Movie: Buffalo Bill
Louisa Frederici Cody: What is she doing here all alone?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: She's just old. When Indians get too old to travel, why they're left behind with a little food and fuel.
Louisa Frederici Cody: To die?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Yeah.
Louisa Frederici Cody: That's terrible! Can't we do something for her?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: It's the way of the people. There's nothing we can do.
Louisa Frederici Cody: Here am I, going to bring a new life into the world, and leaving an old woman to die.
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: That's nature's way, Louisa. When anything becomes too old to be useful, it's just pushed aside.
Louisa Frederici Cody: But it shouldn't be! That's why we have civilization!

Movie: Buffalo Bill
Ned Buntline: You know the Indian, Cody, don't you?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Nobody knows the Indian. I've had to fight them since I was fourteen. Pony Express, stage driver, scouting. Indians never do what you'd expect.

Movie: Buffalo Bill
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Where were ya?
William Halsey: It's the first of the moon.
Nate Salisbury: That's not what Buffalo Bill asked ya! Now where in the hell have you been?
William Halsey: During the first day of the first moon, Sitting Bull visits the sun in the mountains while his squaws move the teepees to the moon path.
Nate Salisbury: Damn it, Halsey! Stop sunning and mooning us! Now where the hell have you been?

Movie: Buffalo Bill
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: My daddy was killed trying to keep slavery out of Kansas.
Oswald Dart: How did he do that?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Well, my daddy hated slavery with such a passion that rather than let the coloreds get in as slaves, he just fought to keep 'em out of the state.

Movie: Buffalo Bill
[after pummeling Nancy's Indian "captor" Bill discovers his sister wasn't a captive after all]
Buffalo Bill Jr.: No wonder the Judge called you "Calamity." You bring calamity to everybody! How long have you been tied next to that tree?
Calamity: I wasn't tied there at all. Here are your rope and arrows Jackilla. I'm sorry about him. He's just somebody I have to put up with. He's my brother.

Movie: Buffalo Bill