Journey to the South Pacific Quotes

Narrator: The Kalabia is a floating school where children on the islands learn about the reefs they all depend on.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: There's a great diversity of healthy corals here. But Menas shows the class that the big fish they depend on for food are almost gone.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Menas Mambasar: Corals eat tiny plants and animals called plankton. They're like an upside-down octopus grabbing food as it passes by.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Jawi Mayor: Tomorrow, I'll be leaving on a long journey. But I want one last day with my two best friends.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Menas Mambasar: The last time I dove this reef, there were more fish. IN all the oceans, the number of big fish has dropped 90.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: 6. The people here love their island and don't want to live anywhere else.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: Here at the convergence of two great oceans, schools of anchovies grow in size when it's time to spawn, attracting hungry predators.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: Get the outsiders to stop dynamiting-limit your fishing-and establish a permanent marine Protected area.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: The villagers now make a better living working with tourists who come here to dive these revitalized reefs.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Jawi Mayor: 10. My dad says there's wisdom in the old ways. A wise fisherman always leaves some fish for another day. That's the old way.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Jawi Mayor: I learned this: Protect the reef and it will sing to you.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: The commercial fisherman feeds the whale sharks some of their catch to keep them hanging around. They're considered good luck.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: Jawi's journey is nearly over, but the Kalabia's work continues, inspiring a generation of children to care for the ocean.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Narrator: In just two months, Jawi has seen how a revitalized reef sustains itself. And he has learned that the more you understand a reef, the better you can protect it.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific
Jawi Mayor: And that's why my dad sent me on this journey.

Movie: Journey to the South Pacific