I'm Still Here Quotes

Matthew Grey: Of all the things to regret, she's the one I just can't swallow. I wake up everyday, blink my eyes and think to myself: One more chance to get her back

Movie: I'm Still Here
Olivia Rudd: How can I be with someone who doesn't even know if they'll wake up in the morning?

Movie: I'm Still Here
Rebecca Lawrence: Don't be alone when your time comes. Take it from me.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Dr. Nolan: There must be someone who makes you happy during this time Mr. Grey? How about your family?
Matthew Grey: I don't know about that...

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: I have a rare blood disease, and they don't think I'm gonna recover from it.
Olivia Rudd: What?
Matthew Grey: Nothing works. So i'm just stuck here, in limbo, waiting for the end.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Young Rob: He's not that bad, give him a chance.
Young Matt: He's not Dad.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Ben Edwards: You want us to be a family of homeless people?

Movie: I'm Still Here
Alan Grey: I just wanna see him! I just wanna see him!

Movie: I'm Still Here
Adam: He obviously likes you mate!
Ben Edwards: Yeah, will maybe I know what I'm doing? Either that or he's gay.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Sophie Edwards: So how do you know Ben?
Matthew Grey: He gave me a lift the other day
Sophie Edwards: Really?
Matthew Grey: Yeah, why?
Sophie Edwards: Nothing...
Matthew Grey: No, there must be something. You just reacted like I had a third nipple on my forehead

Movie: I'm Still Here
Martin Bailey: So that's what the doctors have to say is it? With their huge pensions and their fifty medical degrees?
Matthew Grey: Yeah, apparently so.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Fiona Grey: He was my son!

Movie: I'm Still Here
Olivia Rudd: Oh I like that one it's cute
Matthew Grey: Yeah? You think I'm cute?
Olivia Rudd: Well, you're obviously full of yourself

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: You're supposed to be objective!
Dr. Nolan: We're still human Mr. Grey.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: I have a date
Rebecca Lawrence: Oh, that's lovely! Who with?
Matthew Grey: Girl from the wig shop. I'm meeting her in 45 minutes
Rebecca Lawrence: Will she be mad that you're seeing another woman just before your date?
Matthew Grey: She'll get over it
Rebecca Lawrence: I must say that err... you're looking dapper
Matthew Grey: Really?
Rebecca Lawrence: Is that why you're wearing the wig? She wouldn't go out with you unless you closed the sale?
Matthew Grey: No, but I think it helped!

Movie: I'm Still Here
Fiona Grey: He doesn't even wash his own hair!
Robert Grey: Leave me alone. It's a statement.
Martin Bailey: It's a statement alright, it's a statement to wash my hair, that's the statement!

Movie: I'm Still Here
Ben Edwards: I don't get it, I can't fucking win! Do you want me to just sit around on my arse all day and watch Jeremy fucking Kyle with you and the kids? Is that what you want?
Sophie Edwards: No...
Ben Edwards: Then tell me what you want!
Sophie Edwards: I want you Ben! That's all I ever fucking wanted!

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: And all I want, more than anything else, is just a little bit of hope for tomorrow. If tomorrow ever comes.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Sophie Edwards: You must really hate me?
Ben Edwards: I don't hate you. But I don't think I love you anymore.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Fiona Grey: Hasn't he told you yet?

Movie: I'm Still Here
Rebecca Lawrence: You look lost?

Movie: I'm Still Here
Rebecca Lawrence: So does she know now?
Matthew Grey: Yeah, a little.
Rebecca Lawrence: A little?
Matthew Grey: Yeah I mean, she knows... She must know...
Rebecca Lawrence: Matt...
Matthew Grey: What?
Rebecca Lawrence: You have to tell her. You can't keep this to yourself. Do you think I like being on my own? He never forgave me. If she's special, then just be honest. I mean what will you do when she has feelings for you and then...
Matthew Grey: And then... what, and then I die?
Rebecca Lawrence: Yeah.
Matthew Grey: She'll just make that face, and stay with me out of guilt and I don't wanna see her like that.
Rebecca Lawrence: She might not.
Matthew Grey: It's just gonna remind me of what I'm gonna lose.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Ben Edwards: You suffered so much because of me, and I see that now.
Sophie Edwards: Took you long enough...
Matthew Grey: Soph, just let him talk!
Sophie Edwards: What would you know? You're not even married!
Matthew Grey: No, I'm not married! But you told me that you still wanna be with him, and you have this man standing over here pouring his heart out, and that's something that he's not used to. You of all people should know that.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Olivia Rudd: I don't want to like you.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: You know what film I saw the other day?
Ben Edwards: What's that?
Matthew Grey: American History X.
Ben Edwards: Any good?
Matthew Grey: What, you haven't seen it?
Ben Edwards: I don't watch films. I get laid.
Matthew Grey: Whatever. You're married mate, I know for a fact that you're not getting any.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Olivia Rudd: I didn't know you had any expectations?
Matthew Grey: I don't... I didn't... Do you?
Olivia Rudd: You did ask me out.
Matthew Grey: Yeah well, I don't usually do this.
Olivia Rudd: Ask girls out?
Matthew Grey: Ask pretty girls out.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Matthew Grey: When I look at you, I see my dad. And when I look at Soph, I see my mum. And they fought like cats and dogs until they got a divorce too. And now my mum's shacked up with some bloke and my dad... well, he's still alone. They never talked about their problems, they always took the easy route out. Look, there had to be a moment where you and Soph loved each other. It could be when you were dating, honeymoon whatever I don't give a shit. All I know is, is that you owe it to yourself, to Soph, you owe it to Chelsea and you owe it to Jake, not to repeat the same mistake that my parents made. It fucked me up bad Ben. And believe me, you don't want your kids to end up like me.
Ben Edwards: Like you?
Matthew Grey: Alone. With a duffle bag full of trust and anxiety issues
Ben Edwards: I had no idea...
Matthew Grey: What, that I care? I do.
Ben Edwards: Why?
Matthew Grey: I'm dying.

Movie: I'm Still Here
Dr. Nolan: How are we feeling today?
Matthew Grey: Well I feel like shit, but I can't speak for you.

Movie: I'm Still Here