Invasion U.S.A. Quotes

Dr. Tanga: I am Dr. Tanga, and that is Professor Puna.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.
Matt Hunter: Tell me something John, what are you going to do when the social security people find out you've been moonlighting?
John Eagle: Ain't found out about my air boat business. Been doing it for forty years.
Matt Hunter: That's probably because you haven't made a profit in the last thirty-nine.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.
Matt Hunter: [whispers to Rostov] It's time.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.
Professor John Mayer: Have you noticed that our bodies are becoming radioactive?
Thomas: Well... yes.
Professor John Mayer: It doesn't bother you?
Thomas: No.
Professor John Mayer: Well, it bothers me.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.
[from trailer]
Carol: Something's happening. I don't know what it is, but I can feel it. Have you noticed anything?
Ben: I have.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.
[first lines]
Brinke Stevens: Hi, I'm Brinke Stevens, and this is Invasion of the Scream Queens.

Movie: Invasion U.S.A.