Howl's Moving Castle Quotes

Howl : You're wearing that hat? After all the magic I used to make your dress pretty?

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't torment my friend.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : [ Quietly amused ] Calcifer? You're being so obedient.
Calcifer : Not on purpose! She bullied me!
Howl : Not just anybody can do that. [ Looks at Sophie ]
Howl : And you are... who?
Old Sophie : Er, You can just call me Grandma Sophie. I'm your new cleaning lady. I just started work today.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : What a dump. When I think of castles, it's not what I picture.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : All right Calcifer, lets get cooking.
Calcifer : I don't cook! I'm a scary and powerful fire demon!

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : Calcifer, move the castle sixty miles west. [ walks away ]
Howl : And while you're at it, make hot water for my bath.
Calcifer : Fine, like moving the castle isn't hard enough!

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : So, what do you have in your pocket, Sophie?
Old Sophie : Huh? [ Finds a folded piece of paper ]
Old Sophie : What is this?
Howl : Give it to me. [ paper burns leaving marks on the table ]
Markl : Scorch marks! Howl, can you read them?
Howl : That is ancient sorcery and quite powerful too.
Markl : Is it from the Witch of the Waste?
Howl : "You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine." That can't be good for the table. [ covers the marks with his hand ]
Markl : Wow! It's gone!
Howl : The mark maybe gone but the spell is still there.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ Two soldiers are bothering Sophie ]
Howl : There you are sweetheart, sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you.
Soldier : Hey, hey! We're busy here!
Howl : Are you really? To me, it looked like the two of you were just leaving. [ gestures with his hand, the soldiers are forced to march away ]

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : Don't be alarmed but I'm being followed. Act normal.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : Sorry, it looks like you're involved.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Letti : What's going on? Someone just told me you floated down into our balcony!
Young Sophie : So that did happen, it wasn't a dream.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Letti : Wow! He must have been a wizard then.
Young Sophie : But he was so kind to me. He rescued me, Letti.
Letti : Of course he did, he was trying to steal your heart. You were so lucky Sophie, if that wizard were Howl, he would have eaten it.
Young Sophie : No he wouldn't, Howl only does that to beautiful girls.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : Markl, make sure the cleaning lady doesn't get carried away while I'm gone.
Markl : Sophie, what did you do now? [ Sophie shrugs ]
Calcifer : She almost smothered me! If I die, Howl dies too, I hope you know.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Markl : Wait! You can't come up here!
Old Sophie : Whatever you don't want me to clean, better hide it now!
Markl : Save my room for last, OK?

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : When you're old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery. It's so strange. I've never felt so peaceful before.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ to Howl ]
Calcifer : You shouldn't keep flying around like that. Soon you won't be able to turn back into a human.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : I'm tired, make some hot water for my bath.
Calcifer : Not again!

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : This war is terrible, they bomb from the southern coast to the northern border. It's all in flames now.
Calcifer : I can't stand the fire and gunpowder. Those dopey guys have absolutely no manners.
Howl : My own kind attacked me today.
Calcifer : Who? The Witch of the Wastes?
Howl : No, some hack wizards who turned themselves into monsters for the king.
Calcifer : Those wizards are going to regret doing that. They'll never change back into humans.
Howl : After the war, they won't recall they ever were human.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ Howl comes running out of the bathroom, screaming. His hair is now orange ]
Howl : Sophie! You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you've done to my hair! Look!
Old Sophie : What a pretty color.
Howl : It's hideous! You completely ruined my magic potions in the bathroom!
Old Sophie : I just organized things, Howl. Nothing's ruined.
Howl : Wrong! Wrong! I specifically ordered you not to get carried away! [ tragically ]
Howl : Now I'm repulsive. [ slumps into a chair ]
Howl : I can't live like this. [ starts sobbing, head in hands ]
Old Sophie : Come on, it's not that bad. [ Howl's hair changes color to purple, then black ]
Old Sophie : You should look at it now, its shade is even better.
Howl : [ inconsolable ] I give up. I see not point in living if I can't be beautiful.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : The Witch of the Wastes is trying to find my castle.
Old Sophie : Ah, I saw her henchmen at the harbor.
Howl : I'm such a big coward, all I do is hide. All of this magic is to keep everybody away. I can't stand how scared I am.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : Howl, why is the Witch of the Wastes trying to hunt you down?
Howl : She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn't, so then, as usual, I ran away.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : I've got it! Why don't you go to the palace for me!
Old Sophie : Huh?
Howl : Just say that you're Pendragon's mother and that your son is such a cowardly wizard he's too afraid to show his face. Maybe then Madame Suliman will finally give up on me.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ puts a ring on Sophie's finger ]
Howl : This charm will guarantee your safe return. Don't worry, I'll follow behind you in disguise. Now off you go.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : I wonder what Howl disguised himself as? Surely not a crow. Can't be a pigeon, he's too flamboyant for that. [ a glider plane with a giggling young woman and her lover flies overhead ]
Old Sophie : That could be him.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Madam Suliman : That boy is extremely dangerous, his powers are far too great for someone without a heart. [ pause ]
Madam Suliman : If he stays selfish, I'm afraid he'll end up just like the Witch of the Wastes.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : I can't do this! Why'd you make me come here if you were coming yourself?
Howl : Knowing you'd be there gave me the courage to show up. That woman terrifies me. I can't face her on my own. You saved me, Sophie. I was in big trouble back there.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl : I can give you five minutes of invisibility so use it wisely.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Old Sophie : Do you know what Madame Suliman said? She said that Howl's heart was stolen by a demon. Tell me now, what do you know?
Calcifer : I'm so sorry but that would be confidential information.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ walks up to the scarecrow ]
Howl : Looks like we have another addition to the family. Hmmm, you've got quite a nasty spell on you too, huh? Seems everyone in this family's got problems.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
[ to Sophie ]
Howl : See that new color on the dial? There's a new portal. It's a present for you. Come see.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle