Hollywood Palms Quotes

Matt: I love you.
Phoebe: Do I know you?

Movie: Hollywood Palms
Phoebe: I'm just trying to figure out what the rules are. I mean, maybe this is the greatest love that ever existed on this planet. In history. Why does it have to be someone else? Why can't it be us? Just because we're US why does that mean we're excluded from that? Everyone's so cynical and scared to go out on a limb that we don't go anywhere^Ã?screw it. I'll die for you. How's that? You wanna couch that in some psycho-babble? What? It's co-dependant or unhealthy. Go ahead and protect yourself. I dare you. I dare you to protect yourself^Ã?I'm here. I am here.
Matt: You rock!

Movie: Hollywood Palms
Russian Mover: [swearing in Russian] Blyad. Someone has called the cops.

Movie: Hollywood Palms