Hateship Loveship Quotes

Edith: [Glaring at Johanna who has distracted her from revealing her cookie cutter plans for the future, asks rudely]What do you want?
Johanna Parry: [knowing it will be going over Edith's head, says]I have what I want.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
Ken: [to Sabitha, his daughter]Hey sweetie.
Sabitha: You're like with her now aren't you?
Ken: Yeah.
Johanna Parry: If you and Edith weren't so good at writing letters...

Movie: Hateship Loveship
Chloe: I brought Chinese.
Ken: Uh, we ate already. I got an early day tomorrow. [She sets the bag on the coffee table anyway, and sits down between Johanna and Ken]
Ken: What are you doin' babe?
Chloe: What are YOU doin', hangin' out with little house on the prairie...
Ken: ...don't say that...
Chloe: ...in your PJs, having a sleepover... er... whatever?
Ken: Listen, why don't you just give me back the key and go, hmm. [as this sinks in, Johanna allows herself the briefest hint of a victory smile]
Chloe: [Packs up, brushes herself off and is leaving]You still owe me 200 bucks.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[Mr. McCauley comes in late after his long date with the bank teller, Eileen. His granddaughter is up late sitting on the couch]Mr. McCauley: How was the movie?
Sabitha: [shrugs]It's past midnight.
Mr. McCauley: [Mr. McCauley sits beside Sabitha]Supper ran late.
Sabitha: Hmm. Really late.
Mr. McCauley: Uh-huh, uh-huh, really late.
Sabitha: [sniffs over Mr. McCauley]Do you smell like perfume?
Mr. McCauley: [sniffs over Sabitha]I can't tell whether you smell like Budweiser or Michelob.
Sabitha: [sits back into the couch]I don't know what you're talking about.
Mr. McCauley: [sits back into the couch]I don't know what you're talking about.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[Just after Johanna walks in on Ken taking Mr. McCauley's medication from the bathroom medicine cabinet]Ken: How much is he paying you? I'm only asking cause he's a cheapskate and I wouldn't want him ripping you off. [there's an uncomfortable silence as Ken begins to walk out of the bathroom]
Ken: Hey, um, don't tell Sabitha I got a headache. She'll just worry about me, okay? Thanks gorgeous. [Ken walks out]
Ken: [Johanna blushes at Ken's compliment to being gorgeous]

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[first lines]Mrs. Willets: Johanna?
Johanna Parry: I'm here.
Mrs. Willets: Yes. [Johanna sniffs the bed and see's that Mrs. Willets needs a change]
Mrs. Willets: I'd like to wear my blue dress.
Johanna Parry: Yes, Ma'am [Johanna returns to find Mrs. Willets not alive, Johanna then irons and helps Mrs. Willets body into the blue dress]
Johanna Parry: [Johanna then phones the police]Hi. Yes. I'd like to report a death. Yes, Ma'am. No, Um - I don't know. She's very old. I take care of her. No, I work here. Yes, Ma'am.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[Edith types her e-mail to Johanna, pretending to be Ken on the other end]Stevie: [Edith clicks away on the computer beside her friend Stevie]You're so evil.
Edith: [Edith chuckles in response]Are you kidding? She loves this. [continuing to type, giggling, with a big smile on her face]
Stevie: Actually, it's pretty mean. [Edith continues to type without smiling anymore]
Stevie: [the camera cuts to Johanna in her bedroom reading Edith's fake e-mail]
Johanna Parry: [Johanna's plain expression becomes a wide-eyed, big smile, mumbling a quote from the e-mail]You're beautiful... [Johanna covers her mouth face in pure joy]

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[Johanna goes out to buy a dress in preparation on meeting Ken sometime in the near future]Michelle's Clerk: [the clerk brings Johanna a bright green dress]Why don't you slip into this, just for the heck of it?
Michelle's Clerk: [Johanna takes a few seconds to slip into the green dress]Come out here and look at it in the big mirror.
Johanna Parry: [Johanna looks at herself in the mirror for several seconds]Well, I better take it off so you can wrap it up.
Michelle's Clerk: Wonderful.
Johanna Parry: [continuing to look at herself in the mirror]It's probably what I'm gonna be married in.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[first lines]Mrs. Willets: [from her bed]Johanna?
Johanna Parry: I'm here. I'm here.
Mrs. Willets: Yes. Yes. I'd like to wear my blue dress.
Johanna Parry: Yes, ma'am. [returns with her dress, but she is dead]

Movie: Hateship Loveship
Sabitha: [suspiciously]Do you smell like perfume?
Mr. McCauley: [defensively]I can't tell whether you smell like Budweiser or Michelob.
Sabitha: I do not know what you are talking about.
Mr. McCauley: Well, I don't know what *you're* talking about.

Movie: Hateship Loveship
[last lines]Edith: [chating after graduation]So, hopefully I'll be married by the time I'm 26. That way, by the time they go to college, I'll still have time to, you know, live a little. [curtly to Johanna standing nearby]
Edith: What do you want?
Johanna Parry: I have what I want.

Movie: Hateship Loveship