Hannah Montana Quotes

Hannah: Actually, I've got some news about me and Jackson.
Audience: Ooooooo! (with excitment)
Hannah: No, it's kinda serious.
Audience: Ooooooooooo!!(frustrated)
Hannah: The truth is...me and Jackson are...
Jackson: [runs into room] Totally and completely in love! (bouncing around the stage like the Tom Cruise on the couch on the Oprah show) I love Hannah Montana! I love Hannah Montana! I LOVE HANNAH MONTANA!! (rips open sweatshirt to reveal a custom-made shirt that reads Jacksannah)

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Robby: Jackson I'm gonna ask you a question I never had to ask one my kids before. Why didn't you break up with your sister?

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Jackson: [looking cheesed off] "Madonna's a cat?! I'm at a birthday party, in a tent, for a CAT?!" [sarcastically] "What's for dessert, chocolate mousse or chocolate mouse?"

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Jackson: Sorry about the whole convertible top thing.
Lola: You got a little something in your teeth.
Hannah: Ewww! It's a fly!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
[Miley is calling Jackson on his phone, and she can hear his phone ringing]
Miley: [impersonating Jackson] "Hello there, you've reached Jackson. I'm Hannah's assisticant. I can't do any assisticating right now because I forgot my phone. Yukkity, yukkity, yuk."

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: [interrupted by Jackson] Jackson I'm trying to rehearse for the American Teen Music Awards!
Jackson: Yeah. Don't worry; you're not bothering me.
Miley: But you're bothering me!
Jackson: Oh right. Don't care. Look out cow! Ooh... look at that heifer fly. Right into the marching band!
Miley: Hey Jackson, you have a real car, you know. Here's a thought: Get in it and drive away!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Rico: Fine, fine, you win.
Miley: [excited] I do?
Rico: [grinning] Yeah. He's fired.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: What just happened?
Robby: I just ran over an armadillo.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: Oh you better run, cracka, 'cause Miley like a puma!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Roxy: Pretend I'm Miley and you're the Cracker.
Lilly: I'd rather not!
Roxy: C'mon, I'm not gonna hurt ya!
Lilly: [as the Cracker] Ooh, Miley! Gimme your lipstick!
Roxy: Ahhhh! Principal, principal! Help me, help me!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Lilly: I'm late aren't I?
Miley: Just a smidge!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: (walks up to the Cracker waving hands) Yah! Hi-Yah! Be afraid cause' Miley like a puma! Hi-Yah!
Lilly: Yeah, that's right Cracka'. You better run cause' miley's like a bad puma!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: (in scared voice) Miley like a puma?! Hi-Yah?! ... Miley run like a puma!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Lola: Primp all you want, Lil' Miss Cool-List! You are about to get a makeup malfunction everyone will be downloading forever!
Hannah: She won't get hurt or anything, will she?
Lola: Just her pride. Nationwide... Nowhere to hide- Humilefied! Sad inside!
Hannah: Are you done?
Lola: Okay. Just remember: You go through the red and she goes through the green... Because she's mean, like an evil queen! [Hannah gives her a look] Okay, now I'm done.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Robby: Oh for the love of niblets!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: You can go home and relax. Ahhhh.
Jackson: Or, you can make a moose. Oooooh.
Miley: Go home and relax. Ahhhhh.
Jackson: Make a moose. Oooooh.
Patty: I think I want to...make a moose!
Miley: [in failure] Ahhhhhhhh!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Dontzig: Stewart, I'm sick of your leaves in my pool!
Robby: And I'm sick of your face in my house!!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: (singing) She's done, I won! I didn't cave, now you're my slave! I get to go, to the fashion show! Ha ha ha ha ha, HA!
Jackson: Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there, Busta Rhymes!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Lilly: You'll never be able to go to school again! Unless you move to the South Pole, completely cut off from all civilization, and you'll eventually go mad, mad I tell you, MAD!
Miley: You put extra sugar in your cereal this morning, didn't you?
Lilly: Yes, and now the room is spinning...

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: Hey, bro!
Jackson: Junior, Freshman, no bro, gotta go!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Oliver: Take your stinking paws off me, you darned dirty ape!!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Lilly: You brought Beary the Bear to school?
Miley: Hey! It was a big day, I'm nervous and... he wanted to see the school!
Lilly: Well, would you zip him back up, please?
Miley: Okay... but not all the way, he's afraid of the dark.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Robby: [trying to get Miley up for school] Don't make me get the water bucket!
Miley: [suddenly sits up, eyes wide open] You wouldn't!
Jackson: [comes in, wet] Oh yes he would!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Oliver: [to football player] My mom's a cop! [runs away]

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Rico: [after kissing Miley on the lips] He shoots! He scores!
Miley: He's toast!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: Your goin down Phoney Joanie!
Lilly: Who smells like week old Baloney
Miley: Been in your locker all alone-y!
Lilly: Right next to that...that...
Miley: Melted ice-cream cone-y!
Lilly: Ooh! Girl, you are in the zone-y!
Joanie: Yo, Salt-n-Pepa, wanna bet on it?
Miley: Does she? How 'bout winning captain gets to give loosing captain a little haircut.
[Lilly looks at Miley.]
Joanie: You're on!
[Lilly turns to Joanie.]
Lilly: Or, we could bet a quarter, 'cuz it's just about the fun of competition!
Joanie: No, it's really about me kicking your butt again! Yeah!!

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Jake: (waiting for a order of ice cream in a bout of severe impatience) How do people do this? IT'S AGONY! How long have we been here?
Oliver: Well, in one minute, it will be exactly...a minute and a half.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Hannah: You're not dating Hannah, you're dating Miley! You can't get caught cheating on me with me!
Jake: Huh?
Hannah: Keep up, movie star. Ain't rocket science.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Robby: [doing crossword puzzle] Five-letter word, sixth president of the United States.
Hannah: [making a face] UGHHH!
Robby: That would work if his name was John Quincy Ughhh.

TV Show: Hannah Montana
Miley: What is taking Oliver so long?
Lilly: What do you expect, it's Oliver... Now would you stop pacing?
Miley: Will you stop sitting?
Lilly: NO!
Miley: Fine!
[cell phone rings]
Lilly: Hah- [gasps] MAN!! You owe me an apple!
Miley: Would you keep it down, I'm on the phone!

TV Show: Hannah Montana