Fringe Quotes

Walter: Where are you going?
Peter: Me? I'm going out for drinks.
Walter: Who are you drinking with?
Peter: Olivia.
Walter: Agent Dunham?! A date?
Peter: No, just drinks. Apparently that's what normal people do. They go out for drinks. If you need to reach me, I'll leave the number of the restaurant right here, okay?
Walter: [knocking] She's here, Peter.
Peter: I know. I heard it, too.
Walter: Shall I get the door?
Peter: Absolutely not. In fact, it would be my preference if you could be someplace else altogether.
Walter: Oh, where?
Peter: Chicago? [opens door] Hey, come on in. I know a great place that's just a couple of blocks. I thought we could walk.
Walter: [notices Olivia looking at Peter as he shimmers] Agent Dunham.
Peter: I'll go get my coat.
Walter: Olivia, please don't tell him.

TV Show: Fringe
Elizabeth Bishop: Bring him back to me.
Walter: I promise.

TV Show: Fringe
Young Peter: You're not my father, are you?
Walter: Of course I am. Who else would I be? And I'm going to make you all better.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: I realized at that moment that despite what I'd promised, what I fully intended to do, that I could never take Peter back. The way she looked at him. I saw in her what I feared most in myself when I saw him: I couldn't lose him again. It was the first hole, Olivia. The first breach. The first crack in the pattern of cracks. Spaces between the worlds. And it's my fault. You can't imagine what it's like to lose a child.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: Peter! [laughs] They told me you’d be alright, but I was so worried, son.
Peter: There was another man on that bridge. When Newton’s device started to work, I saw him there. Just, walking down the bridge. He had to have been from the other side. You said that the affects of Newton’s vibrations would be devastating. And… They were, they destroyed that FBI agent, they just… they disintegrated him, like he wasn’t even there. But they didn’t kill the man from the other side. And they didn’t kill me. I’m not from here, am I? You didn’t just open up a hole to the other side… You went through. And you brought me back. That’s why I was able to survive Newton’s device. That’s why I can’t remember my childhood.
Walter: You were dying, Peter —
Peter: That’s why my mother committed suicide. Isn’t it? She knew, didn’t she? And when I left, the guilt was too much for her to live with. The lie.
Walter: Peter, you need to understand, son —
Peter: I understand, Walter. I understand everything now.
Walter: Son —
Peter: I am not your son! I’d like to be alone now.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: [to Olivia] I've spent my life making things that bring joy and happiness to make the world a better place. Bubble gum, that was one of my first. Flannel pajamas. Ah, rainbows! And my latest project -- singing corpses!
(Three cadavers on nearby tables sit up and begin to sing while Walter directs.)
Corpses: Who can take a sunrise? Sprinkle it with dew....Cover it with choclate and a miracle or two...The Candy Man, oh the Candy Man can. The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good!
[Corpses lie back down.]
Walter: Why not bring a little life to the dead I say!

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: The Hadron Super Collider is less complicated than that infernal dishwater.
Astrid: Next time, don't use laundry detergent, and the dishwasher will work fine.

TV Show: Fringe
Sheriff Mathis: You're FBI, huh? What exactly is a civilian consultant?
Peter: Sometimes people with certain areas of expertise can offer them to the Bureau on a consulting basis. My area of expertise is...weird.
Deputy Ferguson: You mean difficult to explain?
Peter: No, I mean the strange, the inexplicable.

TV Show: Fringe
Alt. Charlie: I was thinkin' 'hey, maybe a slow day', it being Saturday and all. No rest for the wicked.
Alt. Olivia: Oh, you're not wicked, Charlie. You just pretend really really well.

TV Show: Fringe
William Bell: Uh, excuse me, excuse me. Don't I know you from...somewhere? Oh, I have it, you're agents. Fringe Division. You work for the secretary.
Alt. Charlie: Sorry, sir, we're in a bit of a rush.
William Bell: I'd imagine you would be. Chaotic times, aren't they? Chaotic times. I...I'm sorry, the secretary and I are old friends. I'm William Bell. I see you're carrying the '76 power side-arms. I designed those, you know....
Alt. Olivia: Um, I'm sorry, Mr. Bell, but we have to...
William Bell: The '76 models don't have the phase repeater. That's a design flaw.

TV Show: Fringe
William Bell: They also don't have the pulse function, which I am putting in the '77.
Alt. Olivia: Excuse me, sir.
[Alt. Olivia and Alt. Charlie push past William Bell]

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: Hello, William.
William Bell: Walter.
Walter: I see you've aged.
William Bell: It appears I'm not the only one.

TV Show: Fringe
Olivia: I don't think that he can. I mean, not without you. Peter... you don't belong here.
Peter: No, I don't belong here. But I don't belong there, either
Olivia: Yes, you do. I have thought of one hundred reasons... why you should come back. To -- to fight the shape-shifters, to take care of Walter, to -- to save the world. But in the end... you have to come back. Because you belong with me.
[Olivia approaches Peter and they kiss]

TV Show: Fringe
Walternate: [speaking to Brandon] You and I know something that many lives and many more dollars have spent to keep secret: that we are at war. At war with another universe populated by creatures that have damaged the very fabric of reality. All around us our world is under attack. Somehow this girl came here. Somehow she is equipped to move through universes. We need her to help us understand this skill, because if we can do it, we can win this war. And if not, soon there will be nothing left to protect.

TV Show: Fringe
Alt-Broyles: No, sir, not yet. Shore patrol said there's no way she could have made it across. The currents are impossible this time of year.
Walternate: What do you think?
Alt-Broyles: I think from what I know about Olivia Dunham, she's the one person I would bet on who could survive.
Walternate: Then find her.

TV Show: Fringe
Alt-Olivia: Who's Bone-oh?
Newton: It's Bono, actually. He's a musician.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: For a catastrophic explosion like that I imagine he has some sort of surgical implant. Dental surgical crowns, if they were to resonate at just the right frequency...I always hated dentists.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: Belly and I spent days discussing the distant crossing the line. 'Only those who could risk going too far can possibly know how far they can go' was Belly used to say.

TV Show: Fringe
Walternate: [speaking of Olivia] She can move between worlds. We discovered some ways to cross over, but each comes with their own dangerous consequences, but she -- she can cross without harm.

TV Show: Fringe
Peter: [appearing to Olivia in a vision] You know why you didn't die today, right? Because you didn't know the protocol. If you had stopped for oxygen, you'd be dead right now, but you did something that he couldn't factor in. You kept running. You know why you did that. It's the same reason why you thought you saw Walter in the hospital. It's the same reason you think you see me now. You're not from this world, Olivia. You're not her.
Olivia: You're not real.
Peter: [smiles] Real is just a matter of perception. I am here, and I'm a part of you that you have to hold on to. You can't forget who you are, Olivia. You can't forget where you're from. You can't forget this. [kisses her softly]

TV Show: Fringe
Walternate: Olivia Dunham has agreed to submit to the tests developed by Science Division. As I've said, these tests are stressful. If she becomes unstable in any way --
Alt-Broyles: If I see any unusual behavior, I'll let you know.
Walternate: Nature doesn't recognize good and evil, Philip. Nature only recognizes balance and imbalance. I intend to restore balance to our world. Whatever it takes.

TV Show: Fringe
Peter: [speaking to Olivia in a vision] It makes sense now, doesn't it? Why they needed you to take that test voluntarily. Why they needed you to believe that you were their Olivia. They know you can cross over. You've done it before. That's how you ended up here in the first place.

TV Show: Fringe
Peter: [speaking to Olivia in a vision] You know why you let him go, don't you? It's because you can understand what he's going through. Trapped in that amber, just like you're trapped over here. The only difference is, nobody's going to save you. Only you can save yourself. You listened to me about the case. I don't understand why you won't listen to me about this. Why do you refuse to believe who you are? Why do you want to deny the truth about yourself?
Olivia: You can't prove anything!
Peter: But I know things.
Olivia: You're in my head.
Peter: Exactly. Which means you know things, too. Things about the other side. Things you couldn't possibly know unless you'd been there. Unless you were from there.
Olivia: Like what?
Peter: On the other side the Twin Towers have fallen. On the other side your sister Rachel is still alive. She lives in Chicago, her husband took a job there. They live at 1934 Sherman Way.
Olivia: See, now you're laying, because we hate Chicago --
Peter: On the other side your beautiful niece Ella is alive. She was born and it's her birthday today. She turned seven.
Olivia: There's no way to prove it.
Peter: Yes, there is.

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: You are continuing to work on this infernal device; the one depicted in the blueprints!
Peter: That's correct. I'm running diagnostics.
Walter: I thought I made my position clear. I do not want to find out what it's purpose is! You have no idea what it does! You might as well be building a nuclear bomb in my lab!
Peter: I don't think that's entirely fair, do you?
Walter: Well, fine! If you end up breaking the universe, this time it's on your head!

TV Show: Fringe
Walter: The human brain is a miracle. Our most resilient organ. A storage unit for almost everything you have ever known, seen, felt. It's all still in there, whether or not you're conscious of that.

TV Show: Fringe
Broyles: Dr. Bishop, any thoughts to how she would cross to the other side?
Walter: No. Nothing. And I have no idea how to bring our Olivia back. It's all because of that temptress! She tricked my son with her carnal manipulations and he fell right into her vagenda!
Astrid: Vagenda?
Walter: Like Mata Hari, using her feminine wiles to accomplish her evil ends, and I, too, fell prey. She used my stomach to get through to my heart.

TV Show: Fringe
Peter: I'm sorry, Olivia.
Olivia: Don't apologize. You were the only thing that got me through. If it wasn't for you I would never had made it back. You saved my life.

TV Show: Fringe
The Observer: When the time comes, give him the keys and save the girl.

TV Show: Fringe
Sam Weiss: I'm not your problem. Peter Bishop is.

TV Show: Fringe
Astrid: You sure you don't want me to call Olivia?
Peter: If it doesn't work, she's going to find out soon enough
Peter: Just tell her that...
Astrid: Whatever it is, you tell her yourself

TV Show: Fringe