Father of the Bride Part II Quotes

Franck Eggelhoffer: Father of the bride and a baby? GET OUT OF TOWN.

Movie: Father of the Bride Part II
George Banks: I have to admit, having Franck at the house did help. Although I had no idea what he did there all day.
Franck Eggelhoffer: [Marching] Do the baby 'vorkout'! Make those babies gleefull! Oh, that's good. Little tin soldiers. Happy tin soldiers. Richt. And now with an attitude. [throws head back]
Franck Eggelhoffer: Hello! Who you? Get 'avay'! I don't like 'vat' you say!

Movie: Father of the Bride Part II
George Banks: What are we, the Schmaltz family?

Movie: Father of the Bride Part II