Captain Planet and the Planeteers Quotes

Captain Planet: [moving ahead of the lava toward a building] A hospital. This place could use some intensive care. [lifts the building from the foundation]
Captain Planet: You're in good hands with Dr. Planet. [sets it down away from the lava]
Captain Planet: Another successful transplant.

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captain Planet: Ah, Verminous Skumm. I knew something smelled bad. Better air this place out. [turns into a whirlwind, causing Skumm's poisoned followers to fall back from the factory]
Captain Planet: Sorry I can't let you do Skumm's evil work.
Verminous Skumm: My evil work's just starting, Windbag!

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captain Planet: MAL broke the connection before the president could give the order!
Gaia: Then you must get to the power-plant and stop Blight yourself.
Captain Planet: But, Gaia, what good is a superhero without superpowers?
Gaia: [touches his shouler] You still have the power that counts most - your courage.
Gaia: Thanks, Gaia.

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Kwame: Let our powers combine. Earth.
Wheeler Sloane: Fire
Linka: Wind
Gi: Water
Ma-Ti: Heart
Kwame, Wheeler Sloane, Linka, Gi, Ma-Ti: Go Planet!
Captain Planet: By your powers combined I am Captain Planet.

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Wheeler: [transported to a polluted city full of starving people] This can't be the *rainforest*. There's been some kind of mistake.
Ma-Ti: [sitting facing away from behind, sighs] You are right. Both times. [Wheeler turns as he stands to face him with an empty bowl]
Ma-Ti: This place cannot be a rainforest anymore. And this *city* is a mistake. Please, young sir, some spare change?
Wheeler: [horrified at how ragged and thin he is] Ma-Ti...!
Ma-Ti: Forgive me, but if I ever knew you, I have forgotten. I find life is easier if I can forget the past.

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers
[last lines]
Ma-Ti: My people are moving deeper into the forest, to protect our way of life. [crying]
Ma-Ti: But I wonder - how much longer will there *be* a rainforest for my people?
Linnka: [touches his shoulder] I, too, wonder, my friend.

TV Show: Captain Planet and the Planeteers