Due South Quotes

[Fraser is walking down his hall]
Benton Fraser: Morning, Mr. Mustafi. [door slams] Mr. Campbell. [door slams] Good morning, Mrs. Garcia. [door slams]

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Dr. Howard: Constable Fraser. I hear you're quite the Good Samaritan. I didn't know we had any left in this town.
Benton Fraser: Well I'm sure any one of his neighbors would have done the same.
Dr. Howard: [gives a skeptical look] Yeah. Well, Mr. Pike has suffered considerable soft tissue damage, but none of his injuries are life-threatening.
Fraser: Thank you. Oh excuse me, Dr. Howard. Is there any medical reason why Charlie might be prone to these accidents? Perhaps an inner ear imbalance resulting from an old boxing injury?
Dr. Howard: How did you know Charlie was a boxer?
Fraser: Well, his nose cartilage has been reduced by almost 80%, and his left eye socket is raised about a half a centimeter above the right, indicating a slight shift in the cranial plates.
Dr. Howard: Where did you study?
Fraser: The Inuvik Public Library. My grandparents were librarians.
Dr. Howard: You're kidding?
Fraser: No.

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
[Ray is sitting at a bar watching a game on TV]
Ray: [his cell phone rings] Ma, I can't talk I'm on a stakeout.
Benton Fraser: Uh, Ray?
Ray: Benny! Benny, you gotta get down here right away. The Bears are finally kicking some butt!

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Fraser: [walking to his apartment door] Evening Mrs. Garcia. How are you tonight? [door slams] Evening Mrs. Campbell. [door slams]

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Benton Fraser: [to Diefenbaker] I brought you supper. Oh you know, I was hoping to, uh, be able to spend some time with you this evening, but I, uh, have a dinner engagement with a very nice woman that I meet in a parking lot. And I can't cancel it because I don't know her phone number - or her name for that matter. No, it's not what you're thinking. It isn't. And you know something? I-I-I don't appreciate your attitude. Y-y-y-you're very judgmental. Just because you were right once does not make you infallible. I am perfectly capable of handling myself in any situation. I am- I am a Mountie. [puts milk in cabinet instead of refrigerator]

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
[Fraser, dressed in his red Mountie uniform, is teaching Social Studies in an elementary classroom]
Benton Fraser: ...which makes the border between Canada and the United States the longest undefended border in the world. So that since their formation, our countries have found a peaceful way to coexist. Except for the War of 1812, where your country invaded ours and we sent you packing - but that's hardly worth mentioning. Now, I think I'll open the floor to questions. [a boy raises his hand] Yes?
Boy: Do you have to undo all your buttons to go to the toilet?
Fraser: No. Anyone else? [the boy raises his hand again]
Boy: How many do you have to undo?
Fraser: Just enough to get your trousers undone. [the boy raises his hand yet another time] Yes.
Boy: Do they have toilets in Canada?
Fraser: Yes. We do. Anyone else? [the boy raises his hand] Anyone else a'tall? [the boy is frantically raising his hand] Any other questions a'tall?

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Mackenzie King: How much do you make?
Benton Fraser: Me? Well it's in Canadian funds, so you have to deduct 38% , but, uh...
Mackenzie: Enough.
Fraser: About myself. Absolutely. Consulate work is pretty dull. Although there was this one passport case-
Mackenzie: Wait a minute. You work at the consulate?
Fraser: Well, yes. That's why I'm paid in Canadian funds. It's some- it's and odd governmental regulation.
Mackenzie: So now you're denying you work with Charlie?
Fraser: With Charlie? No, no. I could never be a professional boxer. I mean, in high school I-
Mackenzie: I saw you bring him in. Are you telling me you don't feed patients to the clinic. You're not involved in this million dollar insurance scam? You're just this straight-arrow, do-gooding Mountie out to help the little guy? Tell me why I find that hard to believe.
Fraser: Well, I understand your skepticism. Appearances can be deceiving. I mean, for example, you're a nurse, yet you wear extremely high heels to work. Which indicates either you haven't been a nurse for very long, or you have remarkable arches. Also, the way you hold your wrists suggests you spend many hours at a computer keyboard. And add to that, the slight crick in your neck, which indicates extended phone usage, and the minute traces of printer's ink under your three-quarter-inch nails. Which, by the way, must make bandaging quite a challenge. And a less trusting person might assume that you weren't a nurse at all. A less trusting person might assume that you work, say, for a newspaper. But then appearances can be deceiving.
Mackenzie: And you've known this since...?
Fraser: The parking lot. Also, you should check you tape recorders. I think either your battery is leaking or some liquid has spilled into the motor. From the smell of it, I would say... [sniffs] mac

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Ray Vecchio: Okay, I'm on the edge of my seat. What's this huge moral dilemma you're carrying on your shoulders?
Benton Fraser: I've given my word to a girl.
Ray: Fraser, you do not have to marry every girl that you meet.
Fraser: Oh no, it's...she's a very young girl.
Ray: Well, then, you do have a problem.

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Ray Vecchio: [scoffs at the coffee he just bought] I can see you're making those minute adjustments to bring out the flavor, Hugo. [pours coffee into garbage]

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Ray Vecchio: [about a man involved in an insurance scam] So what's the dilemma? We bust him.
Benton Fraser: Then I'd be breaking my word to the little girl.
Ray: And this gives you a problem.
Fraser: Yes.
Ray: Oh.
Fraser: And if I don't turn him in, then I'm withholding evidence of a crime.
Ray: Very good, Benny. You can go to the head of the class.
Fraser: So I've given it some thought and I've come up with the only...only logical solution: you have to arrest me.
Ray: For what?
Fraser: I can't tell you that.
Ray: Well, then I'm not gonna arrest you.
Fraser: But you have to.
Ray: Well, I'm not.
Fraser: You have to!
Ray: Oh, I'm not!
Fraser: You have to!

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Ray Vecchio: Okay, so how do you know the guy who paid Charlie's a fighter?
Benton Fraser: His wrists. They were completely hairless, indicating he wears gloves that are tied tightly in a constant use.
Ray: So we're tracking a guy with hairless wrists.
Fraser: Also, the second knuckle of each hand is slightly lower than the others. His jaw clicked slightly when he spoke, indicating a fractured mandible. And his eyes had shifted downward and laterally in their sockets, cause, no doubt, by repeated blows to the zygomatic arch.
Ray: Okay, that I'll buy. But how'd you know he worked out in this gym?
Fraser: It was written on his t-shirt.
Ray: You couldn't have said that in the first place? You had to go through the hairless wrists and the fractured mandibles?!
Fraser: I'm sorry, Ray.
Ray: Aw, man!

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
[The trainer is taking care of Fraser's first boxing opponent, Fraser is tending to his second opponent, and Ray has a bag of ice to his face]
Second Boxer: Ow!
Benton Fraser: Sorry.
Trainer: Your old man taught you how to box like that?
Fraser: My grandmother, actually. Although I'm beginning to suspect that the book she used was somewhat outdated.
Ray Vecchio: [hands ice pack to first Boxer] You're probably going to need this more than me. [to Fraser] Your grandmother?!
Fraser: Yes.
Ray: You think I can get a copy of that book?

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Benton Fraser: He's in on it.
Ray Vecchio: Who?
Fraser: The trainer.
Ray: How do you know?
Fraser: You'll get upset.
Ray: No, I won't! Just enlighten me as to how, in the span of a two-minute conversation, you figured out that this guy's a criminal.
Fraser: All right. Spittle.
Ray: Spittle?
Fraser: During the course of our conversation, he tried to spit several times, but he couldn't because his mouth was too dry, which would indicate that he's lying.
Ray: So let me get this straight. This is what they do in the Yukon, they arrest everybody who doesn't drool?

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
[Ray and Fraser are on a roof, watching a conversation using a telescope]
Benton Fraser: They're going to kill Charlie.
Ray Vecchio: You gotta teach me how to do that, with the lips.
[Fraser prepares to climb down the side of the building]
Ray: Hey, hey, hey! The stairs are right over there.
Fraser: Oh, sorry.

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South
Fraser: That was a stop sign, Ray.
[Ray speeds through another stop sign]
Fraser: That was another stop sign, Ray.

TV Show: Due South

TV Show: Due South