Drive Quotes

Bernie Rose: What do you got that the big professional race teams don't?
Shannon: I got the driver.
Bernie Rose: You just told me they had half a dozen drivers.
Shannon: Not like this. This kid is special. I've been working with him for a while. I've never seen anything like it. If I had the money, I'd back him myself.
Bernie Rose: Yeah, but you don't have the money.
Shannon: Mr. Rose, you put this kid behind the wheel, there's nothing he can't do.

Movie: Drive
Nino: Take a fucking hike. I want to talk to my partner. [pause]
Nino: I'm just fucking with you. How you doing, Shannon? How's the fucking leg?
Shannon: I paid my debt.

Movie: Drive
Bernie Rose: Did Shannon ever tell you how we met?
Driver: No.
Bernie Rose: I used to produce movies. In the 80s. Kind of like action films. Sexy stuff. One critic called them European. I thought they were shit. Anyway, he arranged all the cars for me. Did all the stunts. I liked him. I liked having him around. Even though he overcharged the shit out of me. His next business venture, he got involved with some of Nino's friends. They didn't go for the overcharging bit. They broke his pelvis. He's never had a lot of luck. The reason I'm telling you this is that he has a lot invested in you. And so do I. So anything you need, you call me. We're a team now. [laughs]
Bernie Rose: I'm excited! [yelling across the garage]
Bernie Rose: Nino, let's get the fuck out of here!

Movie: Drive
Standard: You know, we're here celebrating but it's a shameful thing... what I did. And I have a lot of making up to do to everyone. But second chances are rare. Right? And that's worth celebrating.

Movie: Drive
Bernie Rose: My partner is a belligerent asshole with his back up against a wall, and now, so am I.

Movie: Drive
[last lines]Bernie Rose: Where's the money now?
Driver: It's in the car.
Bernie Rose: Come on.

Movie: Drive
Shannon: [about Driver]You know, he walked into my shop here about five or six years ago. Right out of the blue. Asking for a job. So I put him to the test to see what he could do. The kid's amazing.
Irene: Yeah.
Shannon: So I hired him on the spot. Boom. [snaps fingers]
Shannon: At about half the wages I normally pay. He didn't blink an eye. [to Driver]
Shannon: Hey kid, come over here for a second, will you? [back to Irene]
Shannon: And I have been exploiting him ever since. [Shannon laughs]
Shannon: Don't tell him.

Movie: Drive
Bernie Rose: [to Cook]Shut the fuck up, you fucking monkey!

Movie: Drive
Driver: You get out of here and you never fucking come back. You never come back.
Shannon: What are you going to do?

Movie: Drive
Irene: [referring to a photo]That's Benicio's father
Driver: Where is he?
Irene: He's in prison.
Driver: Oh.

Movie: Drive
Shannon: What happened to all the ashtrays in this town?

Movie: Drive
Bernie Rose: [to Nino]Now it's your turn to clean up after me.

Movie: Drive
Shannon: You look like a zombie kid, you getting any sleep?

Movie: Drive
Bernie Rose: [snaps]You didn't tell me you were ripping off the family
Nino: [snaps back]FAMILY... What family? The same family that calls me kike to my face [shouts]
Nino: TO MY FACE! I'm fifty nine years old and they still keep pinching my cheeks like I'm a child!

Movie: Drive
Shannon: He wouldn't be able to find pussy in a whore house.

Movie: Drive
Nino: [to Driver]You're not very good at this, are you?

Movie: Drive