Dr. No Quotes

James Bond: Bond. James Bond.

Movie: Dr. No
Dr. No: The Americans are fools. I offered my services, they refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.
James Bond: World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Naploeon. Or God.

Movie: Dr. No
Dr. No: I'm a member of SPECTRE
James Bond: SPECTRE?
Dr. No: SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power headed by the greatest brains in the world.
James Bond: Correction. Criminal brains!
Dr. No: The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be!

Movie: Dr. No
Sylvia Trench: When did you say you had to leave?
James Bond: Immediately... almost immediately

Movie: Dr. No
[first lines]
John Strangways: That's it. Hundred honors and ninety below.
Professor R. J. Dent: Nicely done, Strangways. I have to give it to you.
John Strangways: I must leave you for a few minutes. Order a round on my chit, will you Professor.
Professor R. J. Dent: Right.
Gen. Potter: Damn it all! Must you break off at this time every evening?
John Strangways: Sorry, General. My managing director is a creature of habit. There's a call booked through to me every day about this time.

Movie: Dr. No
[Professor Dent tries to kill Bond, but his gun is out of bullets]
James Bond: That's a Smith & Wesson, and you've had your six. [shoots Dent twice]

Movie: Dr. No