Dark Harbor Quotes

Alexis: Did you remember to bring a camera?
David: I don't know. Did I?
Alexis: I don't think so.
David: You're right, I didn't.

Movie: Dark Harbor
Alexis Chandler Weinberg: Well excuse me, Captian Compass, I'm not the one who veered off course.

Movie: Dark Harbor
David Weinberg: I have retinal damage, isn't that hilarious?

Movie: Dark Harbor
Young Man: It's funny. Your worst nightmare always seems so far away. Then, all of a sudden, there it is, like a monstrous tidal wave. You try to escape, but you can't. You struggle and you struggle and you struggle, your desperate cries unheard. Then, something strange happens, you stop struggling. Your cries take flight. You forget you're drowning.

Movie: Dark Harbor