Damsels in Distress Quotes

Violet: Do you know what's the major problem in contemporary social life? The tendency to always seek someone cooler than yourself.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: Priss is a rat. A bitch. A rat bitch!

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: I don't really like the word depressed. I prefer to say I'm in a tailspin.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: Humility comes from within. If it's not there in the first place, where do you go to get it? I stopped looking a long time ago.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: [about their college]There's enough material here for a lifetime of social work.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: We're also trying to make a difference in people's lives, and one way to do that is to stop them from killing themselves.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Depressed Debbie: [Angry]You think I'm going to kill myself and make you look bad?
Violet: I'm worried that you'll kill yourself and make yourself look bad.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: I took the commuter train to Villa Franka and I checked into a cheap motel there.
Rose: The Motel Six?
Violet: No, the Motel 4. It's even less expensive.
Rose: The Motel 4, in Villa Franka? My god, you really were suicidal.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Fred Packenstacker: I wasn't just buying drinks for people; they were for cute girls. There was a perfectly rational, logical, easily-explainable agenda.
Violet: [Smiling slightly]So it *was* a playboy or operator move.
Fred Packenstacker: Of course. Transparently so.
Violet: I admire that. Drinks are expensive.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Poor Lily. Just think of all Xavier put her through. He just used her body. And not even the right side.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: What you are describing is a playboy or operator move.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: [From Trailer]Our aspirations are pretty basic - take a guy who hasn't realized his full potential - or doesn't even have much...
Heather: Someone like Frank!
Violet: Yes. Then help them realize it or find more.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: [to Lily]Speaking of suicide prevention, do you have a boyfriend, Lily?
Rose: Are you dating anyone?
Lily: I don't see the connection.
Heather: You don't?
Violet: Boyfriends are a primary suicide risk.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: Frank's stupid, we knew. That he was a rat playboy operator, I hadn't realized.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Priss: [Crying]He used to gaze at me with such love in his eyes. Know what I mean?
Violet: No. No, I've never actually seen that.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: [about Priss' ex-boyfriend]Was Josh handsome?
Priss: [crying]Yes
Violet: That's a problem.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Have you ever heard the expression, prevention is nine-tenths the cure? Well in the case of suicide, it's actually ten-tenths the cure.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: [about seventh-grade Violet]But you were nice to her?
Rose: No, not really. The idea of being nice to weird and unpopular kids hadn't arrived yet.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: Could Frank be dyslexic?
Rose: No, dyslexics are intelligent.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Are you... [whispers]
Violet: ... gay?
Fred Packenstacker: Not especially. But in another era it might of had some appeal.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Thor: [about a beanbag]What colour would you say that chair is?
Frank: That's a chair? I had no idea!

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Fred Packenstacker: Normally I'd be reluctant to comment on anyone's religion but...
Xavier: What?
Fred Packenstacker: I'm sorry, I guess I'm a bit a of bigot, but I could never take seriously a religion that worships on Tuesdays. All the major religions require worship on the weekend - Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I find it just really laudatory that people should sacrifice their weekend to worship god.
Xavier: Having the sabbath Tuesday always seemed very bizarre to me.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Frank: If my eyes are so blue; looking out, wouldn't everything be blue? Or have a blue tinge to it? [Closes his eyes then opens them again]
Frank: See it doesn't look blue, it just looks normal.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: [about Roberts Hall]Suicidal Ed. students have been going to the roof and throwing themselves off.
Violet: But it's only two stories.
Rose: Yes I know, it's horrible. Not high enough enough to kill, but high enough to maim. And particularly dangerous for the people below.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: [about Lily's friend] Zavier with a Z?
Lily: No, I think it's with an X.
Heather: No, I'm certain it's a Z. Zavier Like Zorro. It's the same sound. [Draws a Z in the air with her finger]
Heather: Zorro marked his name with a Z.
Lily: It's an X.
Heather: But Zorro's with a Z. I t's the same.
Violet: Okay, let's see if we can figure this out. Used at the beginning of a name, Z and X have the same pronunciation.
Heather: But it's Zorro- with a Z.
Violet: Actually there were two Zorros. One spelt his name with a Z and made a Z mark for Zorro , the other one spelled him name with an X and with his sword he'd make an X mark . What was really unfair was that, because he marked his name with an X, everybody assumed he was illiterate, when actually he was spelling correctly

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: We get a lot of students coming to the center pretending to be depressed to get the donuts.
Rose: Confidence tricksters!
Violet: Yes, it's really bad, really cynical. And we made a pledge the donut company that we would only give the donuts to students who were depressed, suicidal or otherwise nutty. We're a non-profit, so the rules are pretty strict.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: Doar dorm has the university's highest fatality rate as well as the worst hygiene.
Lily: Highest suicide rate.
Violet: No, the highest fatality rate. It's not certain what percentage were intentional and how many were just due to a temporary unawareness of gravity's laws.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Unkind, self-righteous and pedantic. In short, a model journalist.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: This scent and this soap... is what gives me hope.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: That's how they [governments and non-profits]
Rose: keep from having profits... by paying lots of money to companies like yours.

Movie: Damsels in Distress