Damsels in Distress Quotes

Heather: Violet's identity is made up. I don't think she's crazy.
Violet: No, I am.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: When you have problems yourself, it's great to hear about someone else's truly idiotic ones, please go on.
Heather: Wow!
Violet: What?
Heather: When you said that about depressed people being mean, you weren't joking.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Hello! Are you a new student?
Lily: Yes.
Violet: Good, we thought so. We'd like to help you.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: What would you say are the most effective means to fight depression?
Thor: Beer?
Frank: No, beer's a downer! Cocktails! Hard liqueur and spirits is what really gives you a lift.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Seven Oaks is the last of the Select Seven to go co-ed. An atmosphere of male barbarism predominates. We're going to change that.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Depressed Debbie: [about Violet]I suppose now she'll want the doughnuts too.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: [to Jimbo, who she believes is depressed]Did you know that a good-smelling environment is crucial to our overall sense of well-being? Have you considered finding a better-smelling place to live?

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Lily: [about Charlie]I would hate to think what would happen if one of you guys got her claws into him.
Rose: That's outrageous! We're perfectly nice! We've met lots of pathetic guys, and nothing very bad happened.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: [about Fred/Charlie]He's lying. I find that *very* attractive.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Lily: Oh my god! How crazy! He's completely insane. I almost dated him!
Heather: You can say that about a lot of guys.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: I'm sure I've heard of strategic development. I think it's something pretty important.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Mad Madge: [Violet is practicing her tap routine]What do you think you're doing?
Violet: I'm sorry, did I disturb you?
Mad Madge: Why are you wearing tap shoes? Are you out of your mind?
Violet: I think that's pretty clear...

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Lily: There's no logic to the algebra of love.
Fred Packenstacker: The algebra of love? That sounds like the title of some lame book.
Lily: It's a title but the book's not lame at all.
Fred Packenstacker: Love's algebra? I always thought it was more geometry.
Lily: Okay, the title's not good but the book is.
Fred Packenstacker: What's it say?
Lily: Well, that while we're all perverse in our romantic preferences, there's actually this logic, or algebra to our perversity. And it has something to do with how the species has evolved.
Fred Packenstacker: The survival of the species?
Lily: Yes, and whether it will continue to do so.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Rose: Call the cops, a suicide might be in progress!
Heather: You mean the *campus* cops?

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Freak Astaire: The show is for everyone.
Depressed Debbie: [Protesting]No, it's NOT! It's for the clinically depressed!

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Thor: [Looking out on the rainy day]Would you say today is *very* gray?
Jimbo: More like blue-gray
Thor: [to himself]Damn!

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: Rose has a very sensitive nose. Have you heard of nasal shock syndrome? Any harsh, acrid, or just disgusting odor sends Rose into nasal shock
Rose: This wasn't true nasal shock. Had it been, I'd've lost consciousness entirely.
Lily: Just from some b.o.?
Violet: Just some b.o .? Omigod, Lily, you must have a very high threshold for pain! That'll serve you well here at Seven Oaks!

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: I'm not convinced that having a Suicide Prevention Center prevents any suicides.
Rose: Well, the coffee's good.
Lily: If someone were really determined to destroy themselves, I don't think they'd stop for coffee.
Heather: I suppose it depends on what it tastes like.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Heather: I'm really worried about Thor... It's hard for us to imagine how upsetting it is not knowing what the colors are.
Rose: In fact it's impossible for me to imagine.
Heather: When Thor sees a rainbow - it's only so much gibberish to him. There was one this afternoon: Oh my gosh! He took it hard. Recently there was a parade in the city where the marchers carried rainbow- colored flags and banners. Thor was so upset: he said he'd no idea what it meant

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: We've gotta keep in mind that these guys are young people. They're essentially immature and... crying out for help and guidance.
Rose: Though they don't know it.
Heather: No, they don't, but we do.
Lily: Um, but aren't they the same age as we are?
Rose: Only numerically.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: It's very hard for beautiful women to experience rejection.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Violet: What scent are you wearing?
Depressed Debbie: What are you talking about?
Violet: The perfume that you're wearing.
Depressed Debbie: *I'm not wearing any perfume!*
Violet: You see, that could be the problem.

Movie: Damsels in Distress
Xavier: The standard clichÚ form of sexual intercourse... is for the man to approach a woman from the front. Cathar lovemaking, I think you'll find very fulfilling. I'll be very careful. We'll go slowly. It'll be a new experience, but one which I think you'll find brings an inexpressible closeness.

Movie: Damsels in Distress