Count on Me Quotes

Matt: Every warrior has to have a reason to do what he does, a motive. Mercenaries do it for the money, soldiers do it for their country, cops do it for the citizenry. What's in it for the narcs? Teachers, ministers, parents, kids, they're all in this game one way or another, using like the next guy. Where do I fall? Where's my motive? Who counts on me to do my job when everybody's already dirty?

Movie: Count on Me
Sammy: [to Brian] You know, if I were you, I'd be a little nervous about firing somebody I'd just had an affair with, okay?

Movie: Count on Me
Sammy: So, how was school today?
Rudy: Stupid.

Movie: Count on Me
Terry: So how are ya?
Sammy: I'm fine, Terry.
Terry: So um... um, how's Rudy?
Sammy: We're fine, Terry. [beat]
Sammy: How are you?
Terry: Uhhh, yeaahhh...

Movie: Count on Me
Terry: Put on your seat belt.
Rudy: It pushes on my neck.
Terry: What?
Rudy: It pushes on my neck, it's uncomfortable.
Terry: Well, when someone slams into us and you go sailing through the windshield, that's liable to be uncomfortable, too. Now, put on a seat belt.

Movie: Count on Me