Captain America: Civil War Quotes

Captain America: Civil War

Political involvement in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between Captain America and Iron Man.


PG-13 | 2h 27min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 6 May 2016 (USA)

Tony Stark: They're comin' for ya.
Natasha Romanoff: I'm not the one that needs to watch their back.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Tony Stark: [shouts]I'm trying to keep... [calms himself]
Tony Stark: I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
Captain America: You did that when you signed.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Vision: Our very strength incites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Vision: A pinch of paprika... A pinch...
Wanda Maximoff: Is that Paprikash?
Vision: I thought it might lift your spirits.
Wanda Maximoff: [Tastes Vision's cooking]Spirits lifted.
Vision: In my defence, I haven't actually eaten anything before, so... please... Wanda?
Wanda Maximoff: Hmm?
Vision: No one dislikes you.
Wanda Maximoff: [Chuckles]Thanks.
Vision: Oh you're welcome. No. It's ah... involuntary response in their amygdala that can't help but being afraid of you.
Wanda Maximoff: Are you?
Vision: My amygdala is synthetic, so...
Wanda Maximoff: [laugh]... I used to think of myself one way. But after this [swirling fingers with magic]
Wanda Maximoff: . I am something else. And still me, I think. But that's not what everyone else sees.
Vision: Do you know, I don't know what this is [point at mind gem on his forehead]
Vision: . Not really. I know it's not of this world. But it powered Loki staff, gave you your abilities. But its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me.
Wanda Maximoff: Are you afraid of it?
Vision: I wish to understand it. The more I do the less it controls me. One day, who knows, I may even control it.
Wanda Maximoff: [Back at Vision's cooking]I don't know what's in this but it's not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store i'll be back in 20 minutes.
Vision: Alternatively, we could order a pizza?
Wanda Maximoff: Vision, are you not letting me leave?
Vision: ...It is a question of safety.
Wanda Maximoff: I can protect myself.
Vision: Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are a more secured foundation.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
[from trailer] Tony Stark: Captain? You seem a little defensive.
Steve Rogers: Well, it's been a long day.
Tony Stark: If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys.
Steve Rogers: That's not the way I see it.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Natasha Romanoff: [Picked up cell phone]Yeah.
Steve Rogers: You're alright?
Natasha Romanoff: Uh. Yeah. Thanks. I got lucky. [Nat notices sirens from Cap's cellphone, indicating he's around the area]
Natasha Romanoff: ... I know how much Barnes means to you. I really do... Stay home. You'll only make this worse for all of us. Please.
Steve Rogers: Are you saying you'll arrest me?
Natasha Romanoff: No... Someone will. If you interfere. That's how it works now.
Steve Rogers: If he's this far gone, Nat. I should be the one to bring him in.
Natasha Romanoff: Why?
Steve Rogers: Cause I'm the one least likely to die trying.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Falcon: What do we do?
Captain America: We fight.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Everett K. Ross: Meals at 8 and 5. Toilet privileges twice a day. Raise your voice, zap. Touch the glass, zap. You step outta line, you deal with me. Please, step outta line.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: This isn't gonna change what happened.
Iron Man: I don't care. He killed my mom.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: Do you know me?
Bucky Barnes: You're Steve. I read about you at the museum.
Captain America: I know you're nervous and you have plenty of reason to be, but you're lying.
Bucky Barnes: I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore.
Captain America: Well, the people who think you did are coming here now and they're not planning on taking you alive.
Bucky Barnes: That's smart. Good strategy.
Captain America: This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck.
Bucky Barnes: It always ends in a fight.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Steve Rogers: Who else signed it?
Natasha Romanoff: Tony, Rhody, Vision.
Steve Rogers: Clint?
Natasha Romanoff: Said he's retired.
Steve Rogers: Wanda?
Natasha Romanoff: TBD... I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet. Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important that how we stay together.
Steve Rogers: What are we giving up to do it?... Sorry, Nat. I can't sign it.
Natasha Romanoff: I know...
Steve Rogers: Well, then... what are you doing here?
Natasha Romanoff: I didn't want you to be alone.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Tony Stark: [after Rhodes is attacked, to Steve]I was wrong about you. The whole world was wrong about you.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Zemo: Mission Report: December 16, 1991.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Tony Stark: Why are you doing this, huh? What's your MO? I've got to know, what gets you out of that twin bed every morning?
Peter Parker: Because... because, I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for six months. I read books, I build computers, and I would love to play football, but I couldn't then so I shouldn't be able to now...
Tony Stark: Right, because you're different
Peter Parker: Yeah, but I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not. [thinking]
Peter Parker: When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Zemo: An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Bucky Barnes: [referring to Zemo]We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.
Captain America: We need to draw out the flyers... I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.
Falcon: [being chased by War Machine]No, you get to the jet! Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here!
Hawkeye: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.
Captain America: Alright, Sam. What's the plan?
Falcon: We need a diversion. Something big!
Ant-Man: I got something kinda big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell, and if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me.
Bucky Barnes: [uncertainly]He's gonna tear himself in half?
Captain America: You sure about this, Scott?
Ant-Man: I do it all the time. I mean, once... In a lab. And I passed out. [breathes deeply]
Ant-Man: I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss...

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Steve Rogers: Tony, we used to be a family.
Tony Stark: I don't care.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Steve Rogers: Are you sure about this?
Bucky Barnes: [going into cryogenic stasis]I can't trust my own mind.
T'Challa: Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace...

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Howard Stark: You know, they say sarcasm is a metric for potential. If that's true, you'll be a great man some day.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Lt. Col. James Rhodes: Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have.
Sam Wilson: So let's say we agreed to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they lojack us like a bunch of common criminals?
Lt. Col. James Rhodes: 117 countries wanna sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, Nah, it's cool.
Sam Wilson: How long are you gonna play both sides?
Vision: I have an equation.
Sam Wilson: [sarcastically]Oh, this'll clear it up.
Vision: In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, a number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate.
Steve Rogers: Are you saying it's our fault?
Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.
Lt. Col. James Rhodes: Boom!
Natasha Romanoff: Tony? You are being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.
Steve Rogers: That's 'cause he's already made up his mind.
Tony Stark: Boy, you know me so well. Actually, I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache. That's what's going on, Cap. It's just pain. It's discomfort. Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a Bed and Breakfast for a biker gang? [puts phone on table, screen pops up]
Tony Stark: Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor-level gig, an intel plan for the fall. But first he wanted to put a few miles on his sole before he parked it behind a desk. See the world, maybe be of service. Charlie didn't wanna go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Steve Rogers: [with Bucky in Wakanda]You know if they find out he's here, they'll come for him.
T'Challa: Let them try.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Zemo: When S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, Black Widow released Hydra files to the public. Millions of pages. Much of it encrypted, not easy to decipher, but... I have experience... and patience. A man can do anything if he has those.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
[last lines] May Parker: [off-screen]Who was it? Who hit you?
Peter Parker: [fidgeting with new webshooter from Tony Stark]Some guy... so itchy man, God.
May Parker: [off-screen]What's some guy's name?
Peter Parker: Uhh, Steve! [webshooter emits a light; Peter is amazed]
May Parker: [off-screen]Steve? From 12-C? With the overbite?
Peter Parker: No, no, no, you don't know him, he's from Brooklyn. [Peter hides webshooter light under his arm as May enters]
Peter Parker: [feigning pain]Ouch.
May Parker: Well, I hope you got a few good licks in. [hands Peter an ice pack wrapped in a towel]
Peter Parker: Yeah, I got quite a few in actually.
May Parker: Okay.
Peter Parker: His friend was huge, like HUGE! [presses ice pack to black eye while hiding webshooter]
Peter Parker: That's way better, thank you.
May Parker: Okay, tough guy. [leaves to exit]
Peter Parker: Love you, May. Hey, can you shut the door? [May shuts Peter's door]
Peter Parker: [Peter unveils webshooter light and shines it onto his ceiling, projecting the Spider Symbol. Peter smiles]
Title Card reads: Spider-Man will return

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Tony Stark: I saw how dangerous my weapons were in the wrong hands, so I took control.
Steve Rogers: You chose to do that. If we sign these accords, it takes away our right to choose.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Bucky Barnes: What's gonna happen to your friends?
Captain America: Whatever it is... I'll deal with it.
Bucky Barnes: I don't know if I'm worth all this to you.
Captain America: What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice.
Bucky Barnes: I know... but I did it.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Natasha Romanoff: [fighting Bucky]You could at least recognize me!

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Clint Barton: [about Stark]You gotta watch your back with this guy! [pounds the window in a rage]
Clint Barton: There's a chance he's gonna break it!

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
[from Super Bowl trailer] Tony Stark: You chose the wrong side.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Everett K. Ross: So how does it feel? To spend all that time, all that effort, and to see it fail so spectacularly?
Zemo: Did it?

Movie: Captain America: Civil War
Spider-Man: [after taking down Giant-Man]Whoa, no, I'm not done, I've gotta get him back!
Iron Man: You're going home, or I'm calling Aunt May! You're DONE! [exits]
Spider-Man: Wait, Mr. Stark! I'm not done, I'm not... [tries to get up; collapses]
Spider-Man: [sighs]Okay, I'm done.

Movie: Captain America: Civil War