The Angry Birds Movie Quotes

[from trailer] Bomb: Sometimes, when I get upset, I have been known to blow up. [Bomb walks into his house]
Birds: Surprise!
Bomb: Ahh! [He and his house explodes]
Bomb: Oh, excuse me, party foul.
Stella: [fell over]Ow!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: Something about those pigs isn't kosher.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Bird Salesman: Hey Red, how are you?
Red: [cheerfully]Oh, I'm horrible!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Leonard: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Mighty Eagle: MIGHTY EAGLE! [Mighty Eagle smashes into the Piggies castle, but clumsily lands and smashes his head on the golden pot]
Red: [Runs over to Mighty Eagle]Mi... Mighty Eagle... Mighty Eagle, wake up [Slaps Mighty Eagle's eye with his tongue]
Red: , come on... augh, you've got bad breath...
Mighty Eagle: I can sleep late, Ma. It's not a school day!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Judge Peckinpah: Mr Red! Given the severity of the crimes, I have no choice but to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law: Anger management class.
Red: Ugh. Pluck my life.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Leonard: Greetings! I am a pig.
Chuck: [whispering to Red]What's a pig? [the escalator suddenly stops]
Leonard: Unbelievable.
Ross: Not working, not working. [He hits a button with his head which makes the escalator go in reverse]
Leonard: Oh, where we're going.
Ross: Not working.
Leonard: We practiced this a hundred times.
Ross: Oh, man.
Leonard: Give it to me.
Ross: [sighs]
Leonard: [to the birds]We're gonna come in again.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Matilda: We're gonna be working managing our anger through movement.
Chuck: Eagle, heron, peacock, warrior, mountain, tree, rabbit, fish, locust, king pigeon, and of course, downward duck.
Red: Yuck!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Red: We're gonna get those eggs back! Come on, we're birds! We're descendants from dinosaurs! We're not supposed to be nice! [Petunia roars like a t-rex]
Judge Peckinpah: Holy moly!
Red: Yeah, point made.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Chuck: I'm gonna get ready. [Terence slingshots him to the castle]
Chuck: I wasn't ready! [He uses is speed ability to get into the castle, then he flies into a kitchen, a cactus room, and a room where pigs are having sword duels, then he hits a brick as it falls down]
Red: Chuck, is that you?
Chuck: This is the house of horrors!
Mime: Oh, my God!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: This is why we went for pedicures, isn't it?
Chuck: No, we got pedicures because we're worth it.
Bomb: I got gels.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: That house took my five years to build!
Chuck: Wow. It's such a shame when you create something and everyone else destroys it.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Bobby's Mom: [after Red attacks the Anger Management sign]Don't look, Bobby! The anger might be contagious!
Bobby: [waves hi to Red]
Red: He started it.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Red: If anyone knows what these pigs are up to, it's Mighty Eagle.
Chuck: [gasps]It's Mighty Eagle's Lake of Wisdom! [Chuck and Bomb play in the lake]
Red: Get out of there! [Chuck spits the water into Bomb's mouth]
Red: Don't spit in his mouth! [Bomb spits the water back into Chuck's mouth]
Red: No, don't spit it back! Uh, don't swallow it. [Chuck swallows the water]
Red: Auh! [Mighty Eagle comes out of his cave as Red, Chuck and Bomb hide behind a rock and Mighty Eagle does a pose]
Red: Oh, wow, it's him. [as Mighty Eagle finishes posing, he starts to pee in the lake]
Mighty Eagle: Aaahhhhh... [Bomb and Chuck look strangely at the lake]
Red: Oh, man. [Bomb pretends to throw up]
Chuck: No, no, no. Ack!
Bomb: Wahahahaha! [Chuck scrubs the water off his mouth with a rock, then Mighty Eagle finishes peeing as he feels relaxed]
Red: Horrible turn of events, horrible.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: Well, how about that? My teacher can shoot fire balls out of her butt!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Judge Peckinpah: Mr. Red! What do we do now?
Red: Wait... You're asking me?
Judge Peckinpah: You tried to tell us but we didn't listen. I didn't listen.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: [Red is sleeping in his bed, and suddenly has a flower pot fall on him]Ow! [It turns out a little kid is kicking a football against his house. He falsely smiles at the kid, then kicks him up in the sky]

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Leonard: Show 'em how we do it.
Pig: How you doing? [Elder bird woman faints]

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Red: Am I a passionate bird? Yes, but what does it matter that we're not the same?

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[from trailer] Red: That's me, Red. Ever since I was a kid, I never really fit in. No one understands me.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Ross: Come on Leonard dance!
Leonard: Leonard can't dance. He's hatching a new plan.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Leonard: Hmm... is that what I think it is?
Stella: That's an egg. That's how are children are born. You guys don't like eggs?
Leonard: [Sotto voce]I wish we did. [Daydream sequence: Leonard is out in a meadow having a picnic with the egg]
Leonard: EnchantÚ. [pours wine and feeds the wine to the egg]
Leonard: You look delicious, my dear. [Leonard skips through the meadow holding the egg while laughing maniacally, then rolls through the grass and points at the sky]
Leonard: That's us. [2 clouds appear in a heart shape, then the big cloud eats the small cloud. Back to reality: Leonard is holding the egg while laughing maniacally]

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Leonard: Delicious bird eggy weggy!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Matilda: And this is Terence.
Red: More like terrifying.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Bomb: Okay, well... Sometimes when I get upset, I have been known to blow up.
Red: So you get mad?
Bomb: No, I literally blow up. I explode like a bomb, hence the name.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Leonard: Greetings from my world! The world of the pigs!
Chuck: What's a pig?
Leonard: I am a pig! Unbelievable. Unbelievable.
Ross: Whoops.
Leonard: Whoa! Where we're going? Wrong way!
Ross: Oops. Not working.
Leonard: We've practice this a hundred times. Give it to me. We're gonna come in again!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
[when one of the dynamite was about to blow up and the giant pot was about to fall down on the rock Red is running to get on, with Leonard on his tail] Leonard: You have annoyed me for the last time!
Red: Yep! [the giant pot falls on Red, shielding him as Leonard gasps as the supply of Piggy Island explosives blows up]

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Red: Well this is dynamite.

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Chef Pig: Things are looking sunny side up!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie
Leonard: My eggs!

Movie: The Angry Birds Movie