Broadcast News Quotes

Aaron Altman: Pretty peppy party pal.

Movie: Broadcast News
Aaron Altman: Can I watch the news?

Movie: Broadcast News
Bill Rorich: This is a brutal layoff. And all because they couldn't program Wednesday nights.
Paul Moore: You can make it less brutal by knocking a million or so off your salary... Bad joke, I'm sorry.

Movie: Broadcast News
Jane Craig: People called in complaining about your sweating?
Aaron Altman: No, NICE calls, worried that I was having a heart attack.

Movie: Broadcast News
Jennifer Mack: [pointing at Tom's penis' shadow] Do you do bunny rabbits?

Movie: Broadcast News
[Watching Aaron's flop sweat attack]
News Producer: This is more than Nixon ever sweated.

Movie: Broadcast News